1. Overview
  2. Daily Meeting [Host] Checklists
  3. [Day 1] Team & Goal Formation Meeting [Host] [Wednesday]

[Day 1] Team & Goal Formation Meeting [Host] [Wednesday]



This meeting is WAY too long just to split people based on goals. You can do this in 20 min easy but its an hour. 


When coming to this meeting, come with an energetic attitude, as your positive energy will set the tone for everybody here. Come well-rested. Read the legend and follow the checklist. 

Throughout this series of events, you will be talking with people who are mostly Westerners. Westerners have a very particular culture of individualism. This means if you tell them what to do, they will do the opposite, but if you inform them as to the choices they have available without pushing them into a particular choice, you will get a greater degree of input from them than you ever will in Eastern cultures because they own those decisions. Westerners value autonomy, so you should never talk down to them like a teacher or instruct them like children, but rather you should build them up and encourage them to understand the different options in front of them and take those options.

Understanding this will be critical to your success here as an instructor and host. Asking students for feedback on these particular matters is important, especially if you can give them a private form or an anonymous form where they can leave that feedback.

Ask if we have prizes before you start. 


πŸ”Έ Event host

πŸ”Ή Everyone else

🟒 Elected team facilitator

πŸ₯‡ Goal: These will help you improvise. 
This checklist is detailed, but you can reach the goals using your judgment if you think you can achieve them faster than the checklist suggests. 

🟦🟦🟦 Headers, subheaders 1, 2, 3. 

Headers are silent, don't share them. 

πŸ”„ Conditional


🟧🟧🟧 Basic Introduction

πŸ”Έ Say loudly: Welcome to [P1] everyone! My name is ____, and I'll be your host.



πŸ”Έ Say: Everyone open the text channel connected with this voice channel. You'll find an icon when you hover over the channel name of this voice channel on the left, just above the participants list. Click that icon to open the chat if you're on desktop; if you're on mobile, hit the big chat bubble. Whenever you're in a voice chat here, all the text chat will be in the channel related to the voice channel you're in. 

πŸ”Έ Say: Type YES in chat now if you got there!

🟧🟧🟧 Summary 

πŸ”ΈSay: [P1] is a place dedicated to connecting people with complementary skills to work on projects.

πŸ”ΈSay: Whether you're a professional or just getting started, this is a place where you can find people with similar goals and interests and team up to complete your ideal project.

πŸ”ΈSay: Each project must be dedicated to making the world a better place, whether in the smallest way or the biggest way; that's your goal. Projects must reach beyond the realm of entertainment into something impacts humanity positively in a really meaningful way. 

🟧🟧🟧 Watch the Video

πŸ”ΈHave everyone use Activities to watch the video: 


How to use activities (guide)

Step 1: Click the πŸš€

🟒 Step 2: Choose "Watch Together"

🟒 Step 3: Put in the URL

🟒 Step 4: Have everyone click "Join Activity" 

🟒 Step 5: Say: "Click the Rocket Emoji"


πŸ”ΈMake sure they are all watching: You can see who clicked the rocket πŸš€ by looking for a rocket next to their name. Call out those who don't and help them. Before you play the video.

πŸ”ΈSay: As you watch take notes in a word doc and we will discuss questions and compare notes after.

πŸ”ΈPaste this after 6 min in the video:

# === About The Covenant === 

## They have units making fun multiplayer games in 30 days.

Example: https://youtu.be/Ab5CaqqsbZc

Download: https://siyahas.itch.io/shardrun 

Emmanuel Floret, CEO of Vagabond Entertainment leads the mentorship right now. Right now he is spending several hours per week coaching small groups via an open live session as they build their game. 

He worked on these games: 





πŸ”ΈPaste this after the video is done: 

# Learn all about The Covenant: https://p1oc.net/thecov 

🟧🟧🟧Answer Questions

πŸ”ΈSay: Now that you have listened to the video, do you have any questions? 

πŸ”ΈSay: Everyone paste the notes your wrote during the video. 



🟧🟧🟧 How We Operate

🟧 Incubation

πŸ”ΈSay: We sit right between an incubator and an educational institution, welcoming people of various skill sets, but our focus is on pairing people up and creating an environment where they can succeed.

πŸ”ΈSay: We believe there's a lot you can learn when paired with peers on well-organized teams focused on real-world tasks. 

🟧 Impact 

πŸ”ΈSay: This is the perfect spot if you're looking to create a portfolio project, a hobby project, or something that makes the world a better place.

🟧 Project Types 

πŸ”ΈSay: I should mention, although most come here for game development, you're welcome to join us with animation projects, software applications, or any other project you have in mind.

πŸ”ΈSay: As the most active game developer voice chat on Discord worldwide, [P1] is a great place to team up and bring your dream project to life.


🟧🟧 Event Process

Now we're going to discuss how we structure our project jam events.

πŸ”ΈSay: To help us diagnose issues with how people are understanding what we're saying, if you plan to join us you may want to open up a Word document right now and jot down notes. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Unlike a game jam, projects resubmit often and keep working on their original idea. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We as a community will continue to support those projects we believe will have the biggest positive impact on humanity, as well as the people participating in it.


🟧🟧 It's Free & For You!

πŸ”ΈSay: This program is absolutely free, and we take no stake in your projects. We seek to act as an independent arbiter to empower you to succeed without cost. 

πŸ”ΈSay: For those just learning, our goal is to provide you with the benefit of a full educational experience for free. 

πŸ”ΈSay: For established professionals and hobbyists our goal is to provide the ideal platform to connect with those at your level.  

πŸ”ΈSay: Our goal is to provide all this free with the help of sponsors and donors!

πŸ”ΈSay: This is a space where you'll mix with people who genuinely put others first. Namely, people who truly care about others and want to make a real impact in all that they do.  

πŸ”ΈSay: We will have a lot more to come but any questions so far? 

πŸ”ΈIf no one speaks up ask one of these random questions: 

  • If you've had an educational experience, how was that experience, and how could it have been better? Let's type in chat now.


🟧 Funding & The Covenant

You might be wondering about the financial incentive structure here. We hope to incorporate this as part of our larger community as a non-profit once we've proven the model. As a non-profit, we will primarily be funded by willing donations and sponsors.

πŸ”ΈSay: The biggest cost we face isn't immediately obvious. Bringing together the right mix of people is costly and difficult. The hardest part is marketing. For this idea to work, extensive marketing is needed to attract a mix of complementary skills. The success of this program relies on those who donate and sponsors who support us.

πŸ”ΈSay: The Covenant is a group of elite [P1] members, hyper-determined to get into the game industry as soon as possible, and they collaborate on handpicked quality teams to build commercial projects to get into the industry. 

πŸ”ΈSay: The reason it's called The Covenant is because the people that you're joined with in your unit take an oath to each other to push until they get each other into the industry. When you join The Covenant, you get placed in a unit of allies who fight for you to get into the industry restlessly.

πŸ”ΈSay: Most people spend years trying to build a game only to have very few people even find it. It took our first team at The Covenant 30 days to make a multiplayer game that was played and loved by gamers. I'll link you a video of it along with a download link in chat if you'd like to check it out. If you'd like to have a portfolio piece like that, or if you'd like to learn what it takes to build your own indie games with other highly determined people, this is a place for people that are the Navy Seals of game development and ready to get massive, awesome things done for good. 

πŸ”ΈPaste this: The first game: https://youtu.be/Ab5CaqqsbZc

Download: https://siyahas.itch.io/shardrun 

Learn about The Covenant: https://form.jotform.com/232886828471975 

πŸ”ΈSay:  Big thanks to The Covenant for sponsoring our open-source incubator. If you have any questions about The Covenant, this is your moment to ask. 

πŸ”ΈGive them a moment to ask questions. 

🟧🟧🟧 Event Process

πŸ”ΈSay: Today is the 1st even in a 2 week series that will guide you to:

  • Form a team of shared goals
  • Come up with a positive-impact project that meets those goals
  • Come up with a pitch to get that project approved
  • Come up with an execution plan
  • Make an amazing positive impact project!

πŸ”ΈSay: We will take care to make sure that the approved projects impact the goals of the people who join us here.  Not every project will be approved; we aim to connect people on projects that make the difference for members' goals and people around the world. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Today's meeting is the first step in a project creation process which focuses on outlining the idea design of a project that fits your team's goals. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I suggest you open a fresh word processing document to note these coming points down. However, nothing here is mandatory.  

πŸ”ΈSay: If you are ready for me to start can you say "I" on the mic? 

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ”ΈSay: Today, (1) In this first part of the meeting, we're going to discover each other's goals. Then (2), we'll develop a framework for which ideas best fulfill those goals. Finally (3), we will review the guidelines and register for the competition. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Tomorrow at this time, we'll get together to understand what sort of project ideas are acceptable. Then, teams will break up and work on pitches for their games.

πŸ”ΈSay: A day-to-day breakdown of all we are doing each day can be found via the link I will post in chat. 

πŸ”ΈPaste:  https://p1oc.net/contestprocess 

πŸ”ΈSay with emphasis: Every day we will meet here at this time. Everyone set an alarm to go off at this time daily. I will give you a moment. 


Alarm set 

πŸ‘ = Done
⏩ = Skipping this step

πŸ”ΈAdd the emoji to the message.

🟧🟧🟧 Prizes

See if we have special prizes for this month here:

πŸ”„πŸ”„πŸ”„ If you have prizes.

πŸ”„πŸ”ΈSay: We have some amazing prizes for the winners of this week's competition. {Explain prizes}

πŸ”Έ Say: If you want to contribute to the prize pool, use the link I posted earlier, or tag yourself in chat now if you'd like to donate a prize for the competition winner!

πŸ”Έ Say: You could offer a handcrafted item, a game key, a humble bundle asset or anything ethical you actually deliver on.

πŸ”Έ Say: If interested, tag yourself in the chat now and say so now! 


🟧🟧🟧 [P1] Values

πŸ”ΈHave everyone use Activities to watch the video: 


πŸ”ΈSay: As you watch take notes in a word doc and we will discuss questions and compare notes after.

πŸ”ΈPaste this during the video (75% done):


πŸ”ΈPaste this after the video is done: 

Everyone visit <#1206264823319625728> and click on [πŸ”“ Unlock Jam Info] button. Hit the thumbs up when done: <#1206264823319625728> 


Hit the πŸ‘ when done opening the Discord by getting the role. 

πŸ”ΈSay, did everyone get how to invite friends? 

πŸ”ΈPaste this: The button is right here: https://i.imgur.com/mkBr6pV.png

πŸ”ΈSay: Anyone here thinking about inviting a friend? Say "I" in text chat. 

πŸ”If "I"πŸ”ΈSay: We will give you some time so you don't fall behind! 

Old/Ignore -- video text

πŸ”ΈSay: If you choose to join us in open cooperation, you must be sure to uphold our values in all you do. 
If you're interested in being part of this, I recommend opening a fresh document to note these down. 

πŸ”Έ Action: Give them a moment to open the doc.

πŸ”ΈSay: In this community, we expect participants to uphold standards that are higher than your average workplace

  1. Gossip: If you have an issue with someone, address it with them alone. Never sit and listen to gossip, rather bring people 1 on 1 with the person they are talking about and have them hash it out. Also, don't criticize a team member's hard work publicly; instead, address issues privately to avoid undermining their credibility. 
  2. Solution-oriented mindset: Instead of being emotionally invested in your ideas or needs, focus on what's best for your team. Use rational deduction to determine the best way forward, being ready to lay down and let go of your ideas. People who push their own ideas at the expense of the success of their team are a impediment to cooperation.
    1. Being objective involves prioritizing real data over personal opinions. Shift from a "I know everyone will love my idea for this game" mindset to "Where can we find data about people who love these sorts of games?"
  3. Courage: Throughout this experience, you'll be asked to take on roles, speak up on topics, and engage with your team. Consistently deferring to others will sap the team's vibrancy and overburden the willing few. This is a space where failing is encouraged; therefore, raise your hand with every opportunity you get. Those who volunteer last benefit last. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Even as we demand the highest standard of behavior, keep in mind that you are free to come and go as you wish and you can always take your projects out of this community!

πŸ”ΈSay: Here at [P1], we deeply care about people and want to see them empowered. 

Life is short and we love watching people accomplish more than we ever could alone and therefore we have a deep desire to empower others. The joy of watching others succeed is more valuable to us than our own individual success. 


🟧🟧🟧 Helpfulness 

πŸ”ΈSay: Throughout this competition, your job is not to "win" but to help each other build amazing projects and grow in your professional skills. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Helpfulness is a currency we created to encourage teams to help each other. 

πŸ”ΈSay: You get Helpfulness by doing things that are Helpful to your team and other teams.

πŸ”ΈSay: Helpfulness not only rewards certain behavior, it also acts as a safeguard to ensure a few teams don't just take up all the talent. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Anyone who creates a team gets a TON of Helpfulness which they can give to others so they can join their team. 

πŸ”ΈSay: There's a lot to understand about Helpfulness, but, there are 2 things you need to grasp today:

  1. πŸ”ΈSay:    1 To join a team, the person who started that team needs to give you the required Helpfulness to buy a join-pass. 
  2. πŸ”ΈSay:    2 You can earn Helpfulness by being present in voice chat or posting to #showcase. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Joining teams costs lots of Helpfulness, unless you bring someone new to [P1], in that case, a join pass will be given the new member. You will need to request these of me, the Ignite Host. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Don't worry! If any of this confuses you, you can ask others who have been through the competition before. Also, note that we'll have an exercise later on that covers this in more detail with your team.

🟧🟧🟧 Important Caveats 

πŸ”ΈSay: I recommend writing these down in a word processing document.

πŸ”ΈAction: Give them a moment to open the doc. 

πŸ”ΈSay: There are some important disclaimers. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 1

πŸ”ΈSay: We only allow open source projects -- If you are seeking to be empowered to do a commercial project and you already have skills, consider joining The Covenant, our sponsor.


The Covenant is an elite group led by industry professionals (actual company CEOs who have gone through the whole process of making a game, raising funds, selling it). The Covenant connects an elite, hand-picked chosen-few from this program and others. It's a paid program for those ready to take a serious, commercial approach and it's for people with a Navy-seal-like mindset. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I will leave you the link to that program in the Discord chat. 

πŸ”ΈPaste: Apply here: https://form.jotform.com/232886828471975 

πŸ”ΈSay: If you lack years of industry experience, demonstrating integrity and a positive attitude here will greatly increase your chances of being selected for that elite group. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 2

πŸ”ΈSay: Those joining projects must keep all team communication, voice and written, within this Discord. No private messages, emails, groups etc. This does not include Miro and Trello boards. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 3

πŸ”ΈSay: All work you do with us must be original and cannot include or copy external sources. However, we'll provide access to a library of assets created by previous teams, including a plethora of art, sound, and animation assets to help make your projects a reality. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 4

πŸ”ΈSay: You own all the work you create. [P1] does not take a stake in your projects. 

🟧🟧🟧 Answer Questions

πŸ”ΈSay: Now that you've heard about what we are doing and our values, what do you think? This is your chance to tell me what you think and ask any questions.

🟧🟧🟧 Previous Teams

πŸ₯‡Goal: Remove those who are already on Teams

πŸ”Έ Say: Those who were on teams previously aren't necessarily on the same team for this competition. You'll need to make a decisive choice to join a team or start a new one. 

πŸ”Έ Say: T2 people can join both T1 and T2 teams but they can only make T2 teams. 

πŸ”Έ Say:  Only the elected leader of a team can re-register that team, and any elected leader can be replaced by a vote of six out of 10 people on that team in the private thread using Mee6's /poll command. The poll should be at least 1 day long and does not require inactive people to vote.


πŸ”Έ Say: You need 2,000 Helpfulness to join a team, and you have that much Helpfulness if you submitted the form last time.

πŸ”Έ Say:  Those who register or re-register their team for the competition automatically receive 6,000 Helpfulness to bring any 2 people to their team and to buy their own ticket. Those who filled in the submission form last time have been given 2000 Helpfulness as a big thank you! 

πŸ”Έ Say: Everyone type /coins in text chat now. Everyone who hears the sound of my voice, please do that right away as we need to free up the text chat for the next poll that I want to make.

# ===== Choose Only 1 =======

1) I was already placed on a new team during Tuesday's event. 
2) I was on a team last time and was elected to rejoin that team.
3) Help! I don't know what's happening, I need to join a team!
4) I want to start a new team. 
5) I want to mentor others

πŸ”Έ Say:  If you chose 2,3,4,5, stay in this channel. 

πŸ”Έ Say:  If you chose 1 @tag your team lead's name in chat right now if they are here. If not, tag the member of your team who is highest on the voice-chat list now. 

πŸ”Έ Give them a moment. 

πŸ”Έ Paste and say:  You need to scroll down to Your Mission V2 on this checklist and start working on this with your team: https://articles.p1games.com/daily-meeting-checklists-teams/day-1-teams-team-goal-formation-meeting#-your-mission-v2
Your team leader should click <#1206663074170540093> to create a channel, and you should join them. 

πŸ”Έ Say: People who voted 1, go now. 

πŸ”Έ Make sure 100% of them go out to their teams. Appoint a leader if needed to go and make a channel. 

🟧🟧 Division Leading Team

πŸ”Έ  Paste and say:  If you chose 2, you need to first help your division teams get going on the checklist, then you need to do the same as them and scroll down to Your Mission V2 on this checklist and start working on this with your team: https://articles.p1games.com/daily-meeting-checklists-teams/day-1-teams-team-goal-formation-meeting#-your-mission-v2

  πŸ”Έ Paste and say: Go and meet as a team in your own channel now. Set a timer for 10 min, split 1 member per team to ensure the other teams get help using the checklist, then come back after 10 min and do the checklist yourselves in your own chat. Good luck!

πŸ”ΈSay: Do you understand? If so go now. If not ask questions now. 

πŸ”ΈWait a moment

Note to host: Those who chose 1 and 2 are now off your plate for this meeting. 

🟧🟧🟧 Finding Goals

πŸ₯‡Goal: Help people discover their goals and send them to you. Teams of 10.

πŸ”ΈSay: Everyone else, stay here with me. I'll be placing you on teams after sharing some important caveats.

🟧🟧🟧 Splitting Into Teams

πŸ”ΈAction: Paste the link to this checklist. http://p1oc.net/day1teams

πŸ”ΈSay: Now we are going to split up into teams of maximum 10 people* each.

πŸ”ΈSay: Start in the blue section of the checklist I posted. That's where you'll find guidance on what to do. Everyone open the checklist and say "I" on the mic when you have it open to the blue section. 

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ₯‡Ensure everyone is paying attention. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Great. Let's all read the first part which says "Your Mission" quietly. Say I out loud when done. 

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ”ΈPaste each one of these in chat 1 by 1 and add a πŸ‘emoji under each one: 

1️⃣  Mentorship interested or seeking a production role
2️⃣  No professional experience
3️⃣ Professional experience (under 2 years) 
4️⃣  Professional experience 2+ years 

Ask people to vote on one option each. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We'll split people up into teams based on experience and interest in mentorship. If you're here to empower through mentorship, hit a thumbs up on "mentorship interested" but none of the other options and we'll assign you to teams needing guidance.

πŸ”ΈSay: You have 30 min to finish the checklist. Come back to this chat when done talking and filling out the tally template at the bottom. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Everyone set a timer for 30 min. Say I when done!

πŸ”ΈSay: Whatever you do, don't remain silent when you're in that channel. Speak up in voice chat and organize yourselves around the listed points. 

Don't type in text chat; it's too impersonal. Everyone should speak up, or if they're at work or something, make that clear. Speaking up instead of using text chat is probably the most crucial thing to do here.

πŸ”ΈSay: Now, we'll split into teams of 10. In your teams, speak up and share your goals. Your first task is to really grasp each other's goals and tally them up. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I'll move you into channels one by one until each has 10 people. Wait for all 10 to arrive before starting to speak. Drag people to channels:

πŸ”ΈAction: Make sure they start speaking! Go from team to team and check in. Then come back and read the list below to understand what's next:

πŸ”ΈDrag people into teams based on their skill level but divide mentors equally between teams.


🟦🟦🟦 See Their Checklist

Click: https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a

🟧🟧 Return & Break

πŸ₯‡ Your job is to find the best way to connect people with similar goals by reading the lists sent by different teams. Ideally, each channel should have around 4 people who share common goals. Ideally 1 mentor per team.

🟧 Identify Mentors

πŸ”ΈSay: Those who would prefer to mentor rather than fulfil personal goals, react with a thumbs up on this statement.


Mentorship interested

🟧 Connect Friends

πŸ”ΈSay:  Is there anyone here by someone's invitation, wanting to be paired with that person? If so, speak up in voice chat now, or you might be split up.

πŸ”ΈAction: Wait for replies. Make a list of people who are together. 

🟧 Break

πŸ₯‡Goal: Make small teams of 3. Don't pair skills, pair goals. 

πŸ”Έ The people returning have been in a meeting for just over an hour, so set a 15-minute timer, let everyone stretch, and then come back to continue.

πŸ”ΈSay: You've been in a meeting for an hour now. Take the timer you used earlier, set it for 15 minutes, and say "I" the moment you're done.

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ”ΈSay: Okay, let's hit start on that timer, go stretch for a bit, and come back refreshed.

πŸ”Έ While they're gone, work out who's going to which channel when they return.

πŸ”Έ You want to pair up people on goals, with a max of five people per goal, including one mentor if available for every five individuals.


** BREAK **


🟧 Ideation Session

πŸ”ΈSay: Welcome back! You've heard fellow [P1] members share their goals. Now, we're splitting you into teams of 4 with people who have similar goals.

πŸ”ΈSay:  Once again, elect a facilitator and discuss your goals, this time with those who share similar goals. Moreover, each person will share for only 1 min.

πŸ”ΈSay: After discussing your goals briefly, you will come up with a framework that ideas need to fit in order to match your goals. For example, you may make it a requirement that:

  • you may decide that only animation projects will help you move forward your goals.
  • or you may choose to only use Unreal Engine.

πŸ”ΈSay:  Whatever you do you have to come up with 12 restrictions that relate to your goal. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I'm placing you in teams now based on your goals. Please continue reading the checklist from 🟦🟦🟦 Your Mission v2 and appoint a facilitator immediately. Don't waste any time. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Here is that checklist again in case you need it: 

πŸ”ΈPaste: https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a

πŸ”ΈMove people into channels, 4 per channel based on their goals. 

πŸ”ΈMake sure they start speaking! Go from team to team and check in. Then come back and read the list below to understand what they are doing. Then you are done for the day unless you want to check in on teams more. 


🟦🟦🟦 Your Mission v2

🟦🟦🟦 See Their Checklist

Click: https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a

🟦🟦 Appoint a Time Keeper/Facilitator

πŸ”Ή Someone must be in charge of keeping things flowing at a reasonable pace. If you are willing to help, speak up in voice chat. If no on is speaking, it's your time to take initiative and break the silence. πŸ₯‡ Your job will be to make sure everyone shares for no more than 1 min. 

πŸ”Ή Elect someone to be a facilitator. 

  • Nominate candidates by @tagging them
  • Or step up by @tagging yourself
  • Congratulate those who step up πŸ‘
  • Use πŸ‘emoji for the person you want to lead
  • Don't elect the same person twice in a row. 

🟒 = The elected person's responsibility.

🟒 Say: I've been elected to facilitate this meeting, but you need to follow me on this checklist, or you'll miss integral parts of what we do.


🟦🟦 Develop a Goal Statement 

πŸ”Ή Pull out your phone or set a timer on another device for 160 seconds. Have it ready for your speech to last exactly 60 seconds.

🟒 Make sure everyone shares their dream from first to last in alphabetical order taking no more than 160 seconds each. 

🟒 Have the team celebrate each person as they do. Skip those who can't speak as we can't wait for typing and don't want to encourage it. 

πŸ”Ή Work together to summarize your goals in one collective sentence that best represents the diversity of the goals presented.

🟒 Say: React with a πŸ‘ emoji to the one you resonate with most. You can vote for as many as you like.

🟒 Have everyone write down at least one goal statement in the chat. Ask everyone to vote for the ones you think should be the team goal statement using a thumbs-up emoji reaction.

🟒 Say: Now, the statement with the most votes is our goal statement.

πŸ”Ή Even if you didn't get the goal statement that you were shooting for remember that compromise is the cornerstone of great teamwork.

🟒 Say: Everyone, write down the goal statement on a brand new document. 


🟦🟦 Clarifying 4 Objectives

🟒Goal:πŸ₯‡Come up with 4 goals for your project in the competition.

🟒 Say: Now that we've shared our goals, it's time to create the ideal project template.

🟒 Say: Anyone with a project idea, speak up now. We'll wait until we have four different ideas. 

πŸ”Ή Get at least 4 ideas on the table and discuss them. Take as long or short as you like. 

πŸ”Ή Note: Some teams were confused on how this was worded. What you're doing here is you're coming up with four ideas that you're not necessarily going to keep, but rather just a few ideas that will bring out possible restrictions that will help you.

🟒 Say: Now that we've detailed some projects that would impact our goals, what could help us achieve them. Here are some examples: 

If our goal was to build up our game design experience we might say: 

  • We need the project to be playable so we can learn which assumptions we made were untrue.
  • We need to have something attractive enough that people will want to play it and give us feedback. 
  • We need to upload the project to a platform where people can give reviews such as Steam so we can benefit from player feedback. 

🟒 Say: If we've come up with more than four ideas, we need to narrow it down to four. Once we have four, we put them in our personal Word document and move to the next step.


🟦🟦 12 Restriction Template  

🟒πŸ₯‡Come up with 12 restrictions you'll adhere to when submitting pitches for the competition.

🟒 Say: Now that we've discussed what we'd like to see in the projects we vote for, let's talk about what we don't want to see. 

  1. Constraints inspire creativity - Duane Johnson - Sr. Software Engineer
    Synthesis, [P1] mentor. 

🟒 Say: Here are some examples: 

If our goal was "to get into the industry as a user experience designer" we might say: 

  • Ditch the standard controls like WASD and arrows, encouraging innovation in user interface design. 
  • Ditch the use of instructional language to encourage UX innovation. 

Or if our goal was to "enter the industry as a gameplay programmer:" 

  • We should develop a game with Unity or Unreal Engine, considering the expanding job market for it.

Or if our goal was to "impact kids education:"

  •  Make sure the game doesn't provide obvious solutions, but guides players to discover answers themselves in each level.

Here are examples from the Global Game Jam: 


Express Yourself: Make a game in which the main input(s) are done through facial expression

Caption Contest: 2023 is the 30th anniversary of subtitling in games. Your game has text equivalents for both speech and important sounds.

Zen: Game has no intense visual effects or sounds, or lets players adjust intensity

Tour Guide: The art of your game showcases cultural aspects of places you like.

Representation Matters: Have multiple options for the appearance of the main character, such as gender identity, race, height, age, disability, etc.

Over 9000 Hours: All of your art assets have to originate in default MS Paint, and stay as MS Paint Driven as possible in your pipeline - you may export a "Final" MS Paint asset to software that lets you export transparent backgrounds - but art should be as MS Paint centric as possible. Or use the open source version https://paint.js.org/ 

Kazoog: The music of your game must be played on the kazoo instrument.

Proximity Effect: Make all of your game music using only objects that are in close environment (for example, tapping pen on table to create a beat, etc).

Synesthesia: Use painting accessories, programs and paintings themself to make music / design sounds 

Shake 'N Bake: Include the use of gyroscopes and accelerometers in your game.

Off the Beaten Track: Use an open source game engine that is not well known.

No Shortcuts: Create the game without using ready -made engines and libraries dedicated to creating games.

Woman, life, freedom: A popular revolution is forming and growing in Iran. "Woman, life, freedom" and "man, homeland, settlement" are the main slogans of the Iranian people in this revolution. Be a supporter of the peaceful Iranian people by making creative games based on one of these slogans.

Prehispanic: Your story takes inspiration from the myths of prehispanic South & central American cultures: Aztecs, Mayans, Olmecs, anything older than 1400!

Year of the Rabbit: Make a game that has rabbits as an element in it, or showcases how your culture/locals celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, or make a game featuring cats for our Vietnamese friends who are celebrating the Year of the Cat.

Slava Ukraini: Recognize the struggle of the Ukrainian nation for freedom by using the shades of blue and yellow in your game palette 

Couch Potato: Your game must implement couch local multiplayer (co-op or versus). Ideally featuring potatoes.

An Image Is Worth 1,000 Words: Make a game that has no text.

A Friend In Need: Implement a character that aids you in your goal in the game.

New Friends Along the Way: Make a game in a team where none of the members have ever collaborated with each other before. Bonus if all of you were strangers before the jam.

The Great Outdoors: At least 50% of your game was created outdoors. Include picture(s) of you or your team  jamming outdoors. How you define outdoors is up to you.

The Number 23: It’s 2023. The number 23 represents change, progress, innovation, new beginnings, revolution, and transformation. Integrate one or more of these themes into your game.

Creature Feature: Create a game that is played through the eyes of any non-human creature.

Once upon a 404...: Create a game that focuses or centers on the disappearance of information surrounding historical events and/or stories of underrepresented communities. 

Is this the end?: Make a game with multiple endings.

πŸ”Ή Use the same method to collectively devise multiple restrictions that align with your goals. Don't stop until you have 12!


🟦🟦 Contest Guidelines

🟒 Say: We've seen how adding a few restrictions can bring out our creativity. 

🟒 Say: Depending on the contest, we'll have different restrictions to abide by as part of the contest guidelines. 

🟒 Say: Everyone, join me in opening the link in the checklist right now and let's read the guidelines silently together. Post "I" in text chat when done. 

πŸ”Ή Open Guidelines

πŸ”Ή If you have questions, now is the time to message the host. You don't have time to discuss the guidelines as a team and they are just as knew to them as you likely and therefore it won't be a productive use of your time. 

🟒 Action: Wait for everyone to say "I" in chat before moving on. Help those who might need help.

Ignore this, notes. 


πŸ”ΉπŸ₯‡ Today, share your dreams, whether of entering the tech industry, building a hobby project or anything else, with everyone in this meeting. Ready a timer and take no more than 4 min to talk about your dream. Talk about your short term dream "get any job in the industry" and your long term dream "build the next Need for Speed". 

πŸ”Ή Go back and say "I" in chat now. 

πŸ”ΉContinue with this list once broken off into teams.


🟦🟦 Appoint a Time Keeper/Facilitator

πŸ”Ή Someone must be in charge of keeping things flowing at a reasonable pace. If you are willing to help, speak up in voice chat. If no one is speaking, its your time to take initiative and break the silence. Your job will be to make sure everyone shares no more than 4 min. 

πŸ”Ή Elect someone to be a facilitator. 

  • Nominate candidates by @tagging them

  • Or step up by @tagging yourself

  • Congratulate those who step up πŸ‘

  • Use πŸ‘emoji for the person you want to lead

  • Don't elect the same person twice in a row. 

🟒 = The elect person's responsibility.

🟒 Say: We have exactly 45 minutes for this meeting. I will set a timer. If we finish a bit early we can take a quick break or chat longer. 

🟒 Action: Set a 45 min timer.

πŸ”Ή Pull out your phone or set a timer on another device for 4 minutes. Have it ready for your speech to last exactly 4 minutes.

🟒 Make sure everyone shares their dream from first to last in alphabetical order taking no more than 4 min each. 

🟒 Have the team celebrate each person as they do. Skip those who can't speak as we can't wait for typing and don't want to encourage it. 

🟒 Ask each team member to summarize their goal in seven words or less and paste it in chat. 

🟒 Merge similar ideas.


🟦🟦 Tally Template  

🟒 Summarize and paste five messages, each under 7 words, summarizing five different types of goals heard. Here are some examples:

  • Getting a job in the game industry

  • Becoming an indie dev

  • Having fun

  • Impacting education.

🟒 Put a πŸ‘under each individual option:

🟒 Say: React with a πŸ‘ emoji to the one you resonate with most. You can only vote for one.

πŸŸ’πŸ”Ή Now you need to work together to create a list of names for each goal. Start by checking who voted: 

🟒 Say: I need help making a list of who voted for each option. Everyone try to create a list, but stop once the first one is posted for an option. We need only one list for each goal. 

Here is what the ideal list looks like: 




🟒 Say: We got to head back to the main meeting and show these lists to the host. Let's go.

πŸ”Ή Write down a list of people who you might want to work with in the future based on your interactions today.

πŸ”Ή  Head back to your original channel. The host might be helping another team, so wait patiently for their return if needed to be heard.

🟒 Say: I've been leading for a while now, and the checklist instructs me to pass the baton on to someone else. Remember, stepping up helps you gain experience in a place where failing is okay.

🟒 Give the floor to anyone who speaks up. Explain that they will be reading from "🟦🟦 Pitching Ideas" onward. 

If you are less than six people in the voice chat, then you should probably just stay together as a single team. But if you're more, then you have to break up even if you don't have perfect complementary skills, as we will do recruiting for the teams later.


πŸ”Ή Write down every different idea that comes to mind and then simplify it all down to one idea that fits with both the goals and restrictions. 

πŸ”Ή Decide which 2 ideas you are going to officially pitch. Debate kindly, being objective and letting go of ideas, as emotional attachment to ideas is dangerous. Building consensus through conversation is always superior to voting. 

🟦🟦 Pitching Ideas

🟒 Say: πŸ₯‡ Our goal is to have everyone come up with and submit at least one project idea. Even if they don't want to lead a team in the future -- it is good practice. Doing so within the time given will show the other teams how capable and determined you will be when you join their team. So even if your idea is not perfect, later on you want to make an amazing pitch as it shows off your abilities to the world! 

🟒 Say: Together, we'll spend 4 min brainstorming ideas alone silently, based on the goal statements and restrictions we created earlier. Then we will post our idea in chat. Let's do that now. Everyone set a timer... and say "Ready" when ready. 

🟒 Say: Now let's dedicate some time to going over these ideas together. Everyone take 3 minutes to pitch your idea. Keep it simple and set a timer. Let's start from the top.

πŸ”Ή Share your ideas. Keep it simple. Keep it in 3 min. 

🟒 Say: Now we need to turn these ideas into a 7-page pitch for the whole team to enjoy which we will present to the team in 46 hours. If you are all-in and ready to show the team your abilities, say "YES" in text chat now. 

πŸ”„ If people said NO🟒 Say: Go to your calendar or set an alarm to come to the meeting, tomorrow and the day after. There, you will hear from other teams you can join. 

πŸ”„ If people said NO: 🟒 Paste in chat: Those who said NO can listen in or come back tomorrow. 


🟒 Say: πŸ₯‡ Now we want to pair people opted out of pitching with those determined to go through. 

🟒 Say: Now we need to decide who's going to work on which idea. To do this, we need to assess our strengths, weaknesses, and availability.


🟒 Say: Let's start by figuring out what times we're available. We'll use a tool called Hammer Time, which translates our time zones for each other, as we're all in different time zones. Our objective is for all of us to understand the tool and to post a start and end time for each day of our availability.

πŸ”Ή Everyone should visit the following website "https://hammertime.cyou/" and work together to understand it. Namely, you should copy and paste different times and notice how it translates the time zone and talk about that.


🟒 Say: Let's take a moment to discuss the required skills for making these projects a reality that we possess as strengths. This could be programming, art, communication, marketing, production, or any area where we feel talented.

πŸ”Ή Discuss. 


🟒 Say: Now let's do the same with weaknesses. 

πŸ”Ή Discuss. 


🟒 Say: Now let's do the same with experience. How long has everyone here been working, and at what kind of companies? Would you guys consider yourselves juniors, mid-levels, or seniors, and if so, how much professional experience do you have?

πŸ”Ή Discuss. 

🟦 Teaming Up

🟒 Say: Considering everyone's strengths, weaknesses, and skills and matching them with our ideas, let's discuss how to best split into 2 teams.

πŸ₯‡πŸ”Ή Break up into teams of 3-4 people each backing 1 idea. 

🟒 Say: Let's learn together how to create channels in Discord in order to best create a space for ourselves. 

🟒 Say: Now we'll continue as individual teams. First, try the new feature by clicking on add voice channels to create your own voice and text chat in Discord. After setting it up, return here and bring your team members to your channel. Once we've split off, continue following the checklist under this header, "🟦🟦🟦 Electing a Servant Leader" starting by electing a Team Facilitator.

🟒 Say: Say "I" in chat right now if you see the "electing a servant leader" part of the checklist.

🟒 Action: Wait until everyone says "I" and help those who don't. 

πŸ”Ή Try creating a channel by clicking the add voice chat button, then return to the original channel once successful. Once each team has a working channel and everyone has split up, continue the checklist as individual teams.


🟦🟦🟦 Electing a Servant Leader

Electing a Facilitator

πŸ”Ή The first thing we need to do is elect a meeting facilitator. This person will only lead to read out the next 10 steps.

πŸ”Ή @name yourself in chat now if you want to volunteer! 

πŸ”Ή 🟒 is now the facilitator's responsibility. πŸ”Ή is still everyone's responsibility. 

🟒 Say: Let's learn together how to create channels in Discord in order to best create a space for ourselves. 

πŸ”Ή πŸ₯‡ Your goal is to ensure everyone watches this video: https://youtu.be/oqmbiuAafUg

🟒 Step 1: Click the πŸš€

🟒 Step 2: Choose "Watch Together"

🟒 Step 3: Put in the URL

🟒 Step 4: Have everyone click "Join Activity"

🟒 Say: All [P1] projects are created democratically without leaders dominating others.

🟒 Say: If at any point your team feels that your leader is not able to contribute enough time, you may take a vote to replace them in their role. 50% of voters must be present and agree to make such a replacement. 

🟒 Say: Generally, aim to make group decisions by building consensus rather than a majority vote. Putting personal feelings aside and being objective about what's best for the team is critical.

🟒 Say: Whoever you elect as your Servant Leader will be your long term team project manager. 

🟒 Say: You can also choose to split roles, appointing a Project Manager to facilitate teams and one person as your Product Owner who has the final say. It's up to you.

🟒 Say: Remember that all teams are democratic, and you can replace leaders or join a different team if you don't have faith in a particular leader. But whatever you do, do these things subtly, kindly, and with understanding for each other, encouraging each other as human beings toward your long-term success. 

πŸ”Ή Elect a Servant Leader and, if you like, a separate Product Owner. 

  • Nominate candidates by @tagging them
  • Or step up by @tagging yourself
  • Congratulate those who step up πŸ‘
  • Use πŸ‘emoji for the person you want to lead
  • Don't elect the same person twice in a row. 

🟒 = The elected Project Manager's responsibility.

🟒 Say: The first thing we need to do is decide on a time when we can meet daily. Many developers encourage having no zero days on their project, so it's best if we have one hour lined up every day until the deadline (not including weekends).

🟒 Say: To decide on a time, we use a specific method. First, I'll use Hammertime to suggest a time I'm available, and everyone hits the like button if they can meet then daily. If not, they should post their own time in Hammertime. The time with the most likes wins typically.

πŸ”Ή Choose a daily meeting time. Avoid the [P1] meeting time as you should all attend that too. 

🟒 Say: Now you must decide who's going to be in charge when the team servant leader is not available. 

πŸ”Ή Decide. 

🟒 Say: Now, you need to decide who's going to be in charge of onboarding new team members, as tomorrow we're going to talk about how to grow your teams so that you have all the skills you need on your team.

πŸ”Ή Decide. 

🟒 Say: The 2nd thing we need to do is get an appropriate game pitch up. We shouldn't aim for perfection yet, as we'll have time tomorrow to iterate, but a basic pitch should be done now.

πŸ”Ή Open the game pitch guide.

🟒 Say: Let's read it together. Say "I" when you're done.

🟒 Action: Wait for everyone to say "I."

πŸ”Ή Work together to get the bare-bones submitted right away. Then assign tasks as-to who will do what before you meet again tomorrow. You should ideally have a lot of time to finish tomorrow itself before you pitch on the 3rd day. 


🟦🟦 Team Registration

🟒 Say: The first thing we need to do is register your teams. We don't need to fill in all the sections yet -- future meetings will help us grow our teams. 

πŸ”ΉPaste the link.

🟒 Say: Everyone find the Team Registration link and say "I" in voice when you have it up. 

πŸ”ΉWait for them.

🟒 Say: Everyone find the section of the Discord it talks about and say "I" when you found it. 

πŸ”ΉWait for them.

🟒 Say: Everyone find the example post and say I.

πŸ”ΉWait for them.

🟒 Say: Now lets all fill out the basic framework with the very bare-bones information we have about our idea/game/project now. 

πŸ”ΉGive them 10 min. Make sure they finish -- however they can leave things which take time like the one sentence pitch and the 7 slides as a blank space for now. 

🟒 Say: Now we need to learn how to use hammertime together. Let's open the website share the link and see if we can figure out how it works. 

πŸ”ΉDiscuss. If stuck use guide

🟒 Say: Now we need to come up with a simple pitch for our games. It should be so short and sweet and really break down what makes our idea special in 1 shot. 

πŸ”ΉMake pitches, discuss them and challenge each other until you have something short and sweet anyone can understand.

πŸ”ΉContinue this same process for each item on the list, helping each other make awesome slides, sharing feedback and working till you drop πŸ˜‰. 


🟦🟦 Creating a Pitch

🟒 Say: The next thing we need to do is get an appropriate game pitch up for everyone's ideas.

πŸ”„πŸ”„You can skip this is everyone is already a professional. 

πŸ”„πŸŸ’ Say: Before we do that we need to know what sort of ideas are appropriate. We need to open this link

πŸ”„πŸŸ’ Action: Paste the link in chat. 

πŸ”„πŸŸ’ Action: Read each section out loud and stop when it says "Ask each other" and use that time to ask the listed question. 

πŸ”„πŸ”ΉDiscover how to watch the videos together using the Discord activity system and be sure to only watch the relevant times listed in the article. 

πŸ”„How to use Discord Activities 

🟒 Step 1: Click the πŸš€

🟒 Step 2: Choose "Watch Together"

🟒 Step 3: Put in the URL

🟒 Step 4: Have everyone click "Join Activity"

🟒 Say: It is really important we keep the scope right because our goal is to build the prototype for a project which is finishable by a team of 3-6 [P1] members within 120 days. [P1] does not continue to support projects which run more than 160 days in length. 

πŸ”Ή Open the game pitch guide.

🟒 Say: Let's read it together. Say "I" when you're done.

🟒 Action: Wait for everyone to say "I."

🟒 Say: We shouldn't aim for perfection, as we'll have time tomorrow to iterate, but a basic pitch should be done now.

🟦🟦🟦 Pitch Creation

πŸ”Ή πŸ₯‡Help each other together to get the bare-bones submitted right away. 


Stuff we removed (ignore)

Come up with a role for those who get this far. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We're experimenting with a new way of doing things, hoping to significantly reduce the capital necessary to build teams that create great products. If people can create games, applications, and software without the need to repay investors, along with themselves, it will give those teams much more freedom to create monetization systems that put people at the center.

πŸ”ΈSay: If it works, we can have an awesome impact together on creating a more ethical games industry that puts the player at the center. 

🟦🟦🟦 Team Registration 

In the future, there will be a section here in which new people are encouraged to sign an agreement, putting all their work under the open source license and agreeing to our terms of service.


πŸ”ΈSay: Think of us as an incubator mixed with an educational institution, but we don't take a stake in what you create and we don't charge $100,000 for a development degree.

πŸ”ΈSay: On the educational side, we believe in learning through doing rather than traditional instructional learning.

  • No projects that take longer than 30 days.

πŸ”Ή Write down a list of people who you might want to work with in the future based on your interactions.

Then begin to think about ideas. Project ideas that will help you accomplish those goals. 

You're all on one team this meeting. First, appoint someone as the meeting facilitator. 


Value of self-reliance and research before asking questions. 


πŸ”ΈSay: In all you do, embody the highest level of professionalism and integrity. 

  • Your word is your bond. If you commit to finishing a task by Aug 3rd, ensure it's done. 
  • Communicate clearly and often. If something comes up before Aug 3rd, don't wait till Aug 2nd to let people know. Keep people constantly updated. 
  • Show up on time & ready.
  • Only deliver exceptional work.

orange say unfortunately when people are given infinite freedom it can sometimes lead to less productivity than in a traditional environment where everyone is obligated to do something period  we are a place for self-motivated finishers only. most people here are interested in game development and anything related to game development is so much work it's not really worth your time unless you're all in 

πŸ”ΈSay: πŸ₯‡Whether you're here to break into the industry, build a hobby project, or go independent and build your own studio, our goal is to match up with people of similar interests by sharing your dreams, brainstorming project ideas that would help you accomplish those dreams, and then working together as a team to make each other's dreams a reality.

It's a new form of social organization in which cooperation and collaboration trump competition.



Today we'll be splitting up into separate teams, and learning about each other's goals, so that we can help empower each other. 

πŸ”Έ Say: We're experimenting with a new form of social education through creation, pairing you with others at your skill level to learn and grow together. You'll build amazing portfolio pieces, social good software projects, animations, videos or whatever else you choose, alongside others who share your goals, empowering you to succeed together.

πŸ”Έ Say: We will be holding a contest and giving out awards at the end for the winners. "Award-winning designer" might spruce up that old portfolio? 


🟧🟧🟧 [P1] Values

πŸ”Έ Say: Our goal is to pair you with people who'll help you reach your destination, whatever it may be. Whether you aim to change the world with a unique application, become a professional game developer, or pursue another personal goal, this system is designed to match you with others who can help you succeed.

πŸ”ΈSay: We're an organization for those grateful for life, eager to learn, take action, solve problems, and focused on conflict resolution. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Together, we'll cooperate, embodying the highest standard of [P1] values - namely putting others needs ahead of ourselves. We are a new form of social organization that believes by genuinely putting others' needs ahead of our own, we can build something greater than ever imagined.

πŸ”Έ Action: Ask someone random in the community what you just said are the [P1] values and explain to them that [P1] means People-1st. 

πŸ”ΈSay: In this community, we have a zero-tolerance policy for three things, please create a new document and write these down now. 

πŸ”Έ Action: Give them a moment to open the doc. 

  1. Gossip: If you have an issue with someone, address it with them alone privately. Public rabble rousing, wining and complaining also count. Rather, we cooperate with a solution oriended mindset. 
  2. Arrogance: If you don't have years of full-time commercial experience in your field, you don't yet have experience, and you should defer to those who do and always qualify statements made on subjects you're unfamiliar with with "I'm not an expert, but..." 
  3. Lazyness: Take the effort to learn as much as you can independently and avoid overly relying on others to do your work. Be grateful for the oppertunaties life presents by taking action, stepping up and serving others. Go out of your way to help others when they need it.

πŸ”ΈSay: Anyone lacking humility, pushing their ideas at others' expense, or failing to uphold our integrity will be removed from the community. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We're devoted to our [P1] values of putting others first, meaning the things we create together will have to be dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. 

πŸ”Έ Say: Being a pro game dev is like being a star athlete—super competitive and for the best. Most think game making requires math skills, but great communication is actually paramount in every field that requires teamwork. It puts you ahead. Today, grab opportunities presented, speak up clearly and bravely, stumble and fail freely, no one will judge. This is a place where mistakes are allowed. 

πŸ”Έ Say: It's rare for opportunity to knock in life, but when it does we all have a choice, sit on our hands or dive right in. Let's open that door wide and dive in today. Speak up, make connections, win.

πŸ”Έ Say: At [P1] Gaming, whether it's a hobby, starting a studio, or building a portfolio, we will push to level you up and turn dreams into reality. From this day forward you won't be alone in this but on your mission together. Communication is crucial here. Be empathetic, listen, give introverts a voice, be patient, but also respect everyone's time. 




[P1] is a place that connects people globally, matching them with others who have similar goals and complementary skills, facilitating the achievement of those goals. Whether you want to build a dream project, acquire game development fundamentals, or create an ideal portfolio, if your values match our [P1] values, you are free to leverage this community for your goals!

🟧🟧🟧 Contest Details

πŸ”ΈSay: What we're doing today is empowering you to make a pitch for a contest that we'll hold together.

Removed faithfulness: 

πŸ”Έ Say: If you tagged 4 people and also send the message you sent them type: `Yes, I tagged and DMed people, here is the message I sent: " " ` in chat and you will be awarded 300 Faithfulness.
πŸ”Έ Say: You can also do this if you invited a non-[P1] friend. 
🟧🟧 Explain Faithfulness

πŸ”Έ Say: Faithfulness measures your follow-through. Earn it by participating in activities like these meetings, volunteering, or fulfilling promises. A great way is being in this voice chat; even muted and deafened earns some, but actively talking earns more.
πŸ”Έ Say: We typically pair people with similar levels of faithfulness for co-mentorship, ensuring committed individuals lead teams of equally dedicated members. 
πŸ”Έ Say: Faithfulness can also qualify you for elite programs like The Covenant, a group of elite, highly-capable devs who work with game industry CEOS to get into the industry asap. 
πŸ”Έ Say: If you're interested in more details about that program, feel free to message me. For now, I'll give you guys 5 minutes to tag or message others.
If they message you, send them:







When coming to this meeting, come with an energetic attitude, as your positive energy will set the tone for everybody here. Come well-rested. Read the legend and follow the checklist. 

Throughout this series of events, you will be talking with people who are mostly Westerners. Westerners have a very particular culture of individualism. This means if you tell them what to do, they will do the opposite, but if you inform them as to the choices they have available without pushing them into a particular choice, you will get a greater degree of input from them than you ever will in Eastern cultures because they own those decisions. Westerners value autonomy, so you should never talk down to them like a teacher or instruct them like children, but rather you should build them up and encourage them to understand the different options in front of them and take those options.

Understanding this will be critical to your success here as an instructor and host. Asking students for feedback on these particular matters is important, especially if you can give them a private form or an anonymous form where they can leave that feedback.

Ask if we have prizes before you start. 


πŸ”Έ Event host

πŸ”Ή Everyone else

🟒 Elected team facilitator

πŸ₯‡ Goal: These will help you improvise. 
This checklist is detailed, but you can reach the goals using your judgment if you think you can achieve them faster than the checklist suggests. 

🟦🟦🟦 Headers, subheaders 1, 2, 3. 

Headers are silent, don't share them. 

πŸ”„ Conditional


🟧🟧🟧 Basic Introduction

πŸ₯‡ Goal: 

πŸ”Έ Say loudly: Welcome to [P1] everyone! My name is ____, and I'll be your host.



πŸ”Έ Say: Everyone open the text channel connected with this voice channel. You'll find an icon when you hover over the channel name of this voice channel on the left, just above the participants list. Click that icon to open the chat if you're on desktop; if you're on mobile, hit the big chat bubble. Whenever you're in a voice chat here, all the text chat will be in the channel related to the voice channel you're in. 

πŸ”Έ Say: Type YES in chat now if you got there!

🟧🟧🟧 Summary 

πŸ”ΈSay: [P1] is a place dedicated to connecting people with complementary skills to work on projects.

πŸ”ΈSay: Whether you're a professional or just getting started, this is a place where you can find people with similar goals and interests and team up to complete your ideal project.

πŸ”ΈSay: Each project must be dedicated to making the world a better place, whether in the smallest way or the biggest way; that's your goal. Projects must reach beyond the realm of entertainment into something impacts humanity positively in a really meaningful way. 

🟧🟧🟧 Watch the Video

πŸ”ΈHave everyone use Activities to watch the video: 


How to use activities (guide)

Step 1: Click the πŸš€

🟒 Step 2: Choose "Watch Together"

🟒 Step 3: Put in the URL

🟒 Step 4: Have everyone click "Join Activity" 

🟒 Step 5: Say: "Click the Rocket Emoji"


πŸ”ΈMake sure they are all watching: You can see who clicked the rocket πŸš€ by looking for a rocket next to their name. Call out those who don't and help them. Before you play the video.

πŸ”ΈPaste this after 6 min in the video:

# === About The Covenant === 

## They have units making fun multiplayer games in 30 days.

Example: https://youtu.be/Ab5CaqqsbZc

Download: https://siyahas.itch.io/shardrun 

Emmanuel Floret, CEO of Vagabond Entertainment leads the mentorship right now. Right now he is spending several hours per week coaching small groups via an open live session as they build their game. 

He worked on these games: 





πŸ”ΈPaste this after the video is done: 

# Learn all about The Covenant: https://p1oc.net/thecov 

🟧🟧🟧 Invite & Answer Questions

πŸ”ΈSay: Now that you have listened to the video, do you have any questions? 



🟧🟧🟧 How We Operate

🟧 Incubation

πŸ”ΈSay: We sit right between an incubator and an educational institution, welcoming people of various skill sets, but our focus is on pairing people up and creating an environment where they can succeed.

πŸ”ΈSay: We believe there's a lot you can learn when paired with peers on well-organized teams focused on real-world tasks. 

🟧 Impact 

πŸ”ΈSay: This is the perfect spot if you're looking to create a portfolio project, a hobby project, or something that makes the world a better place.

🟧 Project Types 

πŸ”ΈSay: I should mention, although most come here for game development, you're welcome to join us with animation projects, software applications, or any other project you have in mind.

πŸ”ΈSay: As the most active game developer voice chat on Discord worldwide, [P1] is a great place to team up and bring your dream project to life.


🟧🟧 Event Process

Now we're going to discuss how we structure our project jam events.

πŸ”ΈSay: To help us diagnose issues with how people are understanding what we're saying, if you plan to join us you may want to open up a Word document right now and jot down notes. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Unlike a game jam, projects resubmit often and keep working on their original idea. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We as a community will continue to support those projects we believe will have the biggest positive impact on humanity, as well as the people participating in it.


🟧🟧 It's Free & For You!

πŸ”ΈSay: This program is absolutely free, and we take no stake in your projects. We seek to act as an independent arbiter to empower you to succeed without cost. 

πŸ”ΈSay: For those just learning, our goal is to provide you with the benefit of a full educational experience for free. 

πŸ”ΈSay: For established professionals and hobbyists our goal is to provide the ideal platform to connect with those at your level.  

πŸ”ΈSay: Our goal is to provide all this free with the help of sponsors and donors!

πŸ”ΈSay: This is a space where you'll mix with people who genuinely put others first. Namely, people who truly care about others and want to make a real impact in all that they do.  

πŸ”ΈSay: We will have a lot more to come but any questions so far? 

πŸ”ΈIf no one speaks up ask one of these random questions: 

  • If you've had an educational experience, how was that experience, and how could it have been better? Let's type in chat now.


🟧 Funding & The Covenant

You might be wondering about the financial incentive structure here. We hope to incorporate this as part of our larger community as a non-profit once we've proven the model. As a non-profit, we will primarily be funded by willing donations and sponsors.

πŸ”ΈSay: The biggest cost we face isn't immediately obvious. Bringing together the right mix of people is costly and difficult. The hardest part is marketing. For this idea to work, extensive marketing is needed to attract a mix of complementary skills. The success of this program relies on those who donate and sponsors who support us.

πŸ”ΈSay: The Covenant is a group of elite [P1] members, hyper-determined to get into the game industry as soon as possible, and they collaborate on handpicked quality teams to build commercial projects to get into the industry. 

πŸ”ΈSay: The reason it's called The Covenant is because the people that you're joined with in your unit take an oath to each other to push until they get each other into the industry. When you join The Covenant, you get placed in a unit of allies who fight for you to get into the industry restlessly.

πŸ”ΈSay: Most people spend years trying to build a game only to have very few people even find it. It took our first team at The Covenant 30 days to make a multiplayer game that was played and loved by gamers. I'll link you a video of it along with a download link in chat if you'd like to check it out. If you'd like to have a portfolio piece like that, or if you'd like to learn what it takes to build your own indie games with other highly determined people, this is a place for people that are the Navy Seals of game development and ready to get massive, awesome things done for good. 

πŸ”ΈPaste this: The first game: https://youtu.be/Ab5CaqqsbZc

Download: https://siyahas.itch.io/shardrun 

Learn about The Covenant: https://form.jotform.com/232886828471975 

πŸ”ΈSay:  Big thanks to The Covenant for sponsoring our open-source incubator. If you have any questions about The Covenant, this is your moment to ask. 

πŸ”ΈGive them a moment to ask questions. 

🟧🟧🟧 Event Process

πŸ”ΈSay: Today is the 1st even in a 2 week series that will guide you to:

  • Form a team of shared goals
  • Come up with a positive-impact project that meets those goals
  • Come up with a pitch to get that project approved
  • Come up with an execution plan
  • Make an amazing positive impact project!

πŸ”ΈSay: We will take care to make sure that the approved projects impact the goals of the people who join us here.  Not every project will be approved; we aim to connect people on projects that make the difference for members' goals and people around the world. 

🟧🟧🟧 Unlocking Roles & Non-Meeting Work

πŸ”ΈSay: Think of what we are doing as a super-hands-on project jam where we provide the connections to build a team and know-how and feedback through each step. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Everyone go to the text chat right now and visit [πŸ”„β”ƒrole-select] and click on πŸ”“ Unlock Jam Info button. I will paste the link. That will give you access to everything you need to participate in the game jam even if you miss some information today. 

πŸ”ΈPaste: Everyone visit <#1206264823319625728> and click on [πŸ”“ Unlock Jam Info] button. Hit the thumbs up when done: 

πŸ”ΈAction: Make sure everyone does that.

🟧🟧🟧 Prizes

See if we have special prizes for this month here:

πŸ”„πŸ”„πŸ”„ If you have prizes.

πŸ”„πŸ”ΈSay: We have some amazing prizes for the winners of this week's competition. {Explain prizes}

πŸ”Έ Say: If you want to contribute to the prize pool, use the link I posted earlier, or tag yourself in chat now if you'd like to donate a prize for the competition winner!

πŸ”Έ Say: You could offer a handcrafted item, a game key, a humble bundle asset or anything ethical you actually deliver on.

πŸ”Έ Say: If interested, tag yourself in the chat now and say so now! 


🟧🟧🟧 [P1] Values

πŸ”ΈHave everyone use Activities to watch the video: 


πŸ”ΈPaste this during the video (75% done):


πŸ”ΈPaste this after the video is done: 


Old/Ignore -- video text

πŸ”ΈSay: If you choose to join us in open cooperation, you must be sure to uphold our values in all you do. 
If you're interested in being part of this, I recommend opening a fresh document to note these down. 

πŸ”Έ Action: Give them a moment to open the doc.

πŸ”ΈSay: In this community, we expect participants to uphold standards that are higher than your average workplace

  1. Gossip: If you have an issue with someone, address it with them alone. Never sit and listen to gossip, rather bring people 1 on 1 with the person they are talking about and have them hash it out. Also, don't criticize a team member's hard work publicly; instead, address issues privately to avoid undermining their credibility. 
  2. Solution-oriented mindset: Instead of being emotionally invested in your ideas or needs, focus on what's best for your team. Use rational deduction to determine the best way forward, being ready to lay down and let go of your ideas. People who push their own ideas at the expense of the success of their team are a impediment to cooperation.
    1. Being objective involves prioritizing real data over personal opinions. Shift from a "I know everyone will love my idea for this game" mindset to "Where can we find data about people who love these sorts of games?"
  3. Courage: Throughout this experience, you'll be asked to take on roles, speak up on topics, and engage with your team. Consistently deferring to others will sap the team's vibrancy and overburden the willing few. This is a space where failing is encouraged; therefore, raise your hand with every opportunity you get. Those who volunteer last benefit last. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Even as we demand the highest standard of behavior, keep in mind that you are free to come and go as you wish and you can always take your projects out of this community!

πŸ”ΈSay: Here at [P1], we deeply care about people and want to see them empowered. 

Life is short and we love watching people accomplish more than we ever could alone and therefore we have a deep desire to empower others. The joy of watching others succeed is more valuable to us than our own individual success. 

🟧🟧🟧 Invite & Answer Questions

πŸ”ΈSay: Now that you've heard about what we are doing and our values, what do you think? This is your chance to tell me what you think and ask any questions.


🟧🟧🟧 Choosing Teams

πŸ”Έ Say: Those who were on teams previously aren't necessarily on the same team for this competition. You'll need to make a decisive choice to join a team or start a new one. 

πŸ”Έ Say:  Only the elected leader of a team can re-register that team, and any elected leader can be replaced by a vote of six out of 10 people on that team in the private thread using Mee6's /poll command. The poll should be at least 1 day long and does not require inactive people to vote.


πŸ”Έ Say: You need 2,000 Helpfulness to join a team, and you have that much Helpfulness if you submitted the form last time.

πŸ”Έ Say:  Those who register or re-register their team for the competition automatically receive 6,000 Helpfulness to bring any 2 people to their team and to buy their own ticket. Those who filled in the submission form last time have been given 2000 Helpfulness as a big thank you! 

πŸ”Έ Say: Everyone type /coins in text chat now. Everyone who hears the sound of my voice, please do that right away as we need to free up the text chat for the next poll that I want to make.

1) I am a former team leader from a team which submitted
2) I have a team an on-going team in mind & I have the Helpfulness to join it
3) I do not have 2000 Helpfulness and I do not have a team in mind
4) I have a team in mind but not 2000 Helpfulness 
5) I want to start a new team. 

πŸ”Έ Say:  If you chose number one or two, you need to either register or re-register right now. To do so, join the Brown Team channel and help each other as you go through this link:

πŸ”Έ Paste:

πŸ”ΈSay: As you move to the channel and follow the link together, make sure to speak up on voice chat and help each other out. Don't stay silent. Go now!

πŸ”ΈWait a moment

πŸ”ΈSay: Everyone else, stay here with me. I'll be placing you on teams after sharing some important caveats.

🟧🟧🟧 Important Caveats 

πŸ”ΈSay: I recommend writing these down in the document you started.

πŸ”ΈAction: Give them a moment to open the doc. 

πŸ”ΈSay: There are some important disclaimers. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 1

πŸ”ΈSay: We only allow open source projects -- If you are seeking to be empowered to do a commercial project and you already have skills, consider joining The Covenant, our sponsor. The Covenant is an elite group led by industry professionals (actual company CEOs who have gone through the whole process of making a game, raising funds, selling it). The Covenant connects an elite, hand-picked chosen-few from this program and others. It's a paid program for those ready to take a serious, commercial approach and it's for people with a Navy-seal-like mindset. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I will leave you the link to that program in the Discord chat. 

πŸ”ΈPaste: Apply here: https://form.jotform.com/232886828471975 

πŸ”ΈSay: If you lack years of industry experience, demonstrating integrity and a positive attitude here will greatly increase your chances of being selected for that elite group. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 2

πŸ”ΈSay: Those joining projects must keep all team communication, voice and written, within this Discord. No private messages, emails, groups etc. This does not include Miro and Trello boards. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 3

πŸ”ΈSay: All work you do with us must be original and cannot include or copy external sources. However, we'll provide access to a library of assets created by previous teams, including a plethora of art, sound, and animation assets to help make your projects a reality. 

πŸ”ΈSay loudly: Disclaimer 4

πŸ”ΈSay: You own all the work you create. [P1] does not take a stake in your projects. 


🟧🟧🟧 Splitting Into Teams

πŸ”ΈAction: Paste the link to this checklist. https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a

πŸ”ΈSay: Now we are going to split up into teams of maximum 10 people* each.

πŸ”ΈSay: Start in the blue section of the checklist I posted. That's where you'll find guidance on what to do. Everyone open the checklist and say "I" on the mic when you have it open to the blue section. 

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ₯‡Ensure everyone is paying attention. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Great. Let's all read the first part which says "Your Mission" quietly. Say I out loud when done. 

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ”ΈPaste each one of these in chat 1 by 1 and add a πŸ‘emoji under each one: 

Mentorship interested or seeking a production role
No professional experience
Professional experience (under 2 years)
Professional experience 2+ years

Ask people to vote on one option each. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We'll split people up into teams based on experience and interest in mentorship. If you're here to empower through mentorship, hit a thumbs up on "mentorship interested" but none of the other options and we'll assign you to teams needing guidance.

πŸ”ΈSay: You have 30 min to finish the checklist. Come back to this chat when done talking and filling out the tally template at the bottom. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Everyone set a timer for 30 min. Say I when done!

πŸ”ΈSay: Whatever you do, don't remain silent when you're in that channel. Speak up in voice chat and organize yourselves around the listed points. 

Don't type in text chat; it's too impersonal. Everyone should speak up, or if they're at work or something, make that clear. Speaking up instead of using text chat is probably the most crucial thing to do here.

πŸ”ΈSay: Now, we'll split into teams of 10. In your teams, speak up and share your goals. Your first task is to really grasp each other's goals and tally them up. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I'll move you into channels one by one until each has 10 people. Wait for all 10 to arrive before starting to speak. Drag people to channels:

πŸ”ΈAction: Make sure they start speaking! Go from team to team and check in. Then come back and read the list below to understand what's next:

πŸ”ΈDrag people into teams based on their skill level but divide mentors equally between teams.


🟦🟦🟦 See Their Checklist

Click: https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a

🟧🟧 Return & Break

πŸ₯‡ Your job is to find the best way to connect people with similar goals by reading the lists sent by different teams. Ideally, each channel should have around 4 people who share common goals. Ideally 1 mentor per team.

🟧 Identify Mentors

πŸ”ΈSay: Those who would prefer to mentor rather than fulfil personal goals, react with a thumbs up on this statement.


Mentorship interested

🟧 Connect Friends

πŸ”ΈSay:  Is there anyone here by someone's invitation, wanting to be paired with that person? If so, speak up in voice chat now, or you might be split up.

πŸ”ΈAction: Wait for replies. Make a list of people who are together. 

🟧 Break

πŸ₯‡ The people returning have been in a meeting for just over an hour, so set a 15-minute timer, let everyone stretch, and then come back to continue.

πŸ”ΈSay: You've been in a meeting for an hour now. Take the timer you used earlier, set it for 15 minutes, and say "I" the moment you're done.

πŸ”ΈWait for at least 50% to say "I".

πŸ”ΈSay: Okay, let's hit start on that timer, go stretch for a bit, and come back refreshed.

πŸ”Έ While they're gone, work out who's going to which channel when they return.

πŸ”Έ You want to pair up people on goals, with a max of five people per goal, including one mentor if available for every five individuals.


** BREAK **


🟧 Ideation Session

πŸ”ΈSay: Welcome back! You've heard fellow [P1] members share their goals. Now, we're splitting you into teams of 4 with people who have similar goals.

πŸ”ΈSay:  Once again, elect a facilitator and discuss your goals, this time with those who share similar goals. Moreover, each person will share for only 1 min.

πŸ”ΈSay: After discussing your goals briefly, you will come up with a framework that ideas need to fit in order to match your goals. For example, you may make it a requirement that:

  • you may decide that only animation projects will help you move forward your goals.
  • or you may choose to only use Unreal Engine.

πŸ”ΈSay:  Whatever you do you have to come up with 12 restrictions that relate to your goal. 

πŸ”ΈSay: I'm placing you in teams now based on your goals. Please continue reading the checklist from 🟦🟦🟦 Your Mission v2 and appoint a facilitator immediately. Don't waste any time. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Here is that checklist again in case you need it: 

πŸ”ΈPaste: https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a

πŸ”ΈMove people into channels, 4 per channel based on their goals. 

πŸ”ΈMake sure they start speaking! Go from team to team and check in. Then come back and read the list below to understand what they are doing. Then you are done for the day unless you want to check in on teams more. 


🟦🟦🟦 Your Mission v2

🟦🟦🟦 See Their Checklist

Click: https://eniston.io/goto/22093b4b-c1e0-4222-9101-0f4a444a343a








🟦🟦 Appoint a Time Keeper/Facilitator

πŸ”Ή Someone must be in charge of keeping things flowing at a reasonable pace. If you are willing to help, speak up in voice chat. If no on is speaking, it's your time to take initiative and break the silence. πŸ₯‡ Your job will be to make sure everyone shares for no more than 1 min. 

πŸ”Ή Elect someone to be a facilitator. 

  • Nominate candidates by @tagging them
  • Or step up by @tagging yourself
  • Congratulate those who step up πŸ‘
  • Use πŸ‘emoji for the person you want to lead
  • Don't elect the same person twice in a row. 

🟒 = The elected person's responsibility.

🟒 Say: I've been elected to facilitate this meeting, but you need to follow me on this checklist, or you'll miss integral parts of what we do.


🟦🟦 Develop a Goal Statement 

πŸ”Ή Pull out your phone or set a timer on another device for 160 seconds. Have it ready for your speech to last exactly 60 seconds.

🟒 Make sure everyone shares their dream from first to last in alphabetical order taking no more than 160 seconds each. 

🟒 Have the team celebrate each person as they do. Skip those who can't speak as we can't wait for typing and don't want to encourage it. 

πŸ”Ή Work together to summarize your goals in one collective sentence that best represents the diversity of the goals presented.

🟒 Say: React with a πŸ‘ emoji to the one you resonate with most. You can vote for as many as you like.

🟒 Have everyone write down at least one goal statement in the chat. Ask everyone to vote for the ones you think should be the team goal statement using a thumbs-up emoji reaction.

🟒 Say: Now, the statement with the most votes is our goal statement.

πŸ”Ή Even if you didn't get the goal statement that you were shooting for remember that compromise is the cornerstone of great teamwork.

🟒 Say: Everyone, write down the goal statement on a brand new document. 


🟦🟦 Clarifying 4 Objectives

🟒Goal:πŸ₯‡Come up with 4 goals for your project in the competition.

🟒 Say: Now that we've shared our goals, it's time to create the ideal project template.

🟒 Say: Anyone with a project idea, speak up now. We'll wait until we have four different ideas. 

πŸ”Ή Get at least 4 ideas on the table and discuss them. Take as long or short as you like. 

πŸ”Ή Note: Some teams were confused on how this was worded. What you're doing here is you're coming up with four ideas that you're not necessarily going to keep, but rather just a few ideas that will bring out possible restrictions that will help you.

🟒 Say: Now that we've detailed some projects that would impact our goals, what could help us achieve them. Here are some examples: 

If our goal was to build up our game design experience we might say: 

  • We need the project to be playable so we can learn which assumptions we made were untrue.
  • We need to have something attractive enough that people will want to play it and give us feedback. 
  • We need to upload the project to a platform where people can give reviews such as Steam so we can benefit from player feedback. 

🟒 Say: If we've come up with more than four ideas, we need to narrow it down to four. Once we have four, we put them in our personal Word document and move to the next step.


🟦🟦 12 Restriction Template  

🟒πŸ₯‡Come up with 12 restrictions you'll adhere to when submitting pitches for the competition.

🟒 Say: Now that we've discussed what we'd like to see in the projects we vote for, let's talk about what we don't want to see. 

  1. Constraints inspire creativity - Duane Johnson - Sr. Software Engineer
    Synthesis, [P1] mentor. 

🟒 Say: Here are some examples: 

If our goal was "to get into the industry as a user experience designer" we might say: 

  • Ditch the standard controls like WASD and arrows, encouraging innovation in user interface design. 
  • Ditch the use of instructional language to encourage UX innovation. 

Or if our goal was to "enter the industry as a gameplay programmer:" 

  • We should develop a game with Unity or Unreal Engine, considering the expanding job market for it.

Or if our goal was to "impact kids education:"

  •  Make sure the game doesn't provide obvious solutions, but guides players to discover answers themselves in each level.

Here are examples from the Global Game Jam: 


Express Yourself: Make a game in which the main input(s) are done through facial expression

Caption Contest: 2023 is the 30th anniversary of subtitling in games. Your game has text equivalents for both speech and important sounds.

Zen: Game has no intense visual effects or sounds, or lets players adjust intensity

Tour Guide: The art of your game showcases cultural aspects of places you like.

Representation Matters: Have multiple options for the appearance of the main character, such as gender identity, race, height, age, disability, etc.

Over 9000 Hours: All of your art assets have to originate in default MS Paint, and stay as MS Paint Driven as possible in your pipeline - you may export a "Final" MS Paint asset to software that lets you export transparent backgrounds - but art should be as MS Paint centric as possible. Or use the open source version https://paint.js.org/ 

Kazoog: The music of your game must be played on the kazoo instrument.

Proximity Effect: Make all of your game music using only objects that are in close environment (for example, tapping pen on table to create a beat, etc).

Synesthesia: Use painting accessories, programs and paintings themself to make music / design sounds 

Shake 'N Bake: Include the use of gyroscopes and accelerometers in your game.

Off the Beaten Track: Use an open source game engine that is not well known.

No Shortcuts: Create the game without using ready -made engines and libraries dedicated to creating games.

Woman, life, freedom: A popular revolution is forming and growing in Iran. "Woman, life, freedom" and "man, homeland, settlement" are the main slogans of the Iranian people in this revolution. Be a supporter of the peaceful Iranian people by making creative games based on one of these slogans.

Prehispanic: Your story takes inspiration from the myths of prehispanic South & central American cultures: Aztecs, Mayans, Olmecs, anything older than 1400!

Year of the Rabbit: Make a game that has rabbits as an element in it, or showcases how your culture/locals celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, or make a game featuring cats for our Vietnamese friends who are celebrating the Year of the Cat.

Slava Ukraini: Recognize the struggle of the Ukrainian nation for freedom by using the shades of blue and yellow in your game palette 

Couch Potato: Your game must implement couch local multiplayer (co-op or versus). Ideally featuring potatoes.

An Image Is Worth 1,000 Words: Make a game that has no text.

A Friend In Need: Implement a character that aids you in your goal in the game.

New Friends Along the Way: Make a game in a team where none of the members have ever collaborated with each other before. Bonus if all of you were strangers before the jam.

The Great Outdoors: At least 50% of your game was created outdoors. Include picture(s) of you or your team  jamming outdoors. How you define outdoors is up to you.

The Number 23: It’s 2023. The number 23 represents change, progress, innovation, new beginnings, revolution, and transformation. Integrate one or more of these themes into your game.

Creature Feature: Create a game that is played through the eyes of any non-human creature.

Once upon a 404...: Create a game that focuses or centers on the disappearance of information surrounding historical events and/or stories of underrepresented communities. 

Is this the end?: Make a game with multiple endings.

πŸ”Ή Use the same method to collectively devise multiple restrictions that align with your goals. Don't stop until you have 12!


🟦🟦 Contest Guidelines

🟒 Say: We've seen how adding a few restrictions can bring out our creativity. 

🟒 Say: Depending on the contest, we'll have different restrictions to abide by as part of the contest guidelines. 

🟒 Say: Everyone, join me in opening the link in the checklist right now and let's read the guidelines silently together. Post "I" in text chat when done. 

πŸ”Ή Open Guidelines

πŸ”Ή If you have questions, now is the time to message the host. You don't have time to discuss the guidelines as a team and they are just as knew to them as you likely and therefore it won't be a productive use of your time. 

🟒 Action: Wait for everyone to say "I" in chat before moving on. Help those who might need help.

Ignore this, notes. 


πŸ”ΉπŸ₯‡ Today, share your dreams, whether of entering the tech industry, building a hobby project or anything else, with everyone in this meeting. Ready a timer and take no more than 4 min to talk about your dream. Talk about your short term dream "get any job in the industry" and your long term dream "build the next Need for Speed". 

πŸ”Ή Go back and say "I" in chat now. 

πŸ”ΉContinue with this list once broken off into teams.


🟦🟦 Appoint a Time Keeper/Facilitator

πŸ”Ή Someone must be in charge of keeping things flowing at a reasonable pace. If you are willing to help, speak up in voice chat. If no one is speaking, its your time to take initiative and break the silence. Your job will be to make sure everyone shares no more than 4 min. 

πŸ”Ή Elect someone to be a facilitator. 

  • Nominate candidates by @tagging them

  • Or step up by @tagging yourself

  • Congratulate those who step up πŸ‘

  • Use πŸ‘emoji for the person you want to lead

  • Don't elect the same person twice in a row. 

🟒 = The elect person's responsibility.

🟒 Say: We have exactly 45 minutes for this meeting. I will set a timer. If we finish a bit early we can take a quick break or chat longer. 

🟒 Action: Set a 45 min timer.

πŸ”Ή Pull out your phone or set a timer on another device for 4 minutes. Have it ready for your speech to last exactly 4 minutes.

🟒 Make sure everyone shares their dream from first to last in alphabetical order taking no more than 4 min each. 

🟒 Have the team celebrate each person as they do. Skip those who can't speak as we can't wait for typing and don't want to encourage it. 

🟒 Ask each team member to summarize their goal in seven words or less and paste it in chat. 

🟒 Merge similar ideas.


🟦🟦 Tally Template  

🟒 Summarize and paste five messages, each under 7 words, summarizing five different types of goals heard. Here are some examples:

  • Getting a job in the game industry

  • Becoming an indie dev

  • Having fun

  • Impacting education.

🟒 Put a πŸ‘under each individual option:

🟒 Say: React with a πŸ‘ emoji to the one you resonate with most. You can only vote for one.

πŸŸ’πŸ”Ή Now you need to work together to create a list of names for each goal. Start by checking who voted: 

🟒 Say: I need help making a list of who voted for each option. Everyone try to create a list, but stop once the first one is posted for an option. We need only one list for each goal. 

Here is what the ideal list looks like: 




🟒 Say: We got to head back to the main meeting and show these lists to the host. Let's go.

πŸ”Ή Write down a list of people who you might want to work with in the future based on your interactions today.

πŸ”Ή  Head back to your original channel. The host might be helping another team, so wait patiently for their return if needed to be heard.

🟒 Say: I've been leading for a while now, and the checklist instructs me to pass the baton on to someone else. Remember, stepping up helps you gain experience in a place where failing is okay.

🟒 Give the floor to anyone who speaks up. Explain that they will be reading from "🟦🟦 Pitching Ideas" onward. 

If you are less than six people in the voice chat, then you should probably just stay together as a single team. But if you're more, then you have to break up even if you don't have perfect complementary skills, as we will do recruiting for the teams later.


πŸ”Ή Write down every different idea that comes to mind and then simplify it all down to one idea that fits with both the goals and restrictions. 

πŸ”Ή Decide which 2 ideas you are going to officially pitch. Debate kindly, being objective and letting go of ideas, as emotional attachment to ideas is dangerous. Building consensus through conversation is always superior to voting. 

🟦🟦 Pitching Ideas

🟒 Say: πŸ₯‡ Our goal is to have everyone come up with and submit at least one project idea. Even if they don't want to lead a team in the future -- it is good practice. Doing so within the time given will show the other teams how capable and determined you will be when you join their team. So even if your idea is not perfect, later on you want to make an amazing pitch as it shows off your abilities to the world! 

🟒 Say: Together, we'll spend 4 min brainstorming ideas alone silently, based on the goal statements and restrictions we created earlier. Then we will post our idea in chat. Let's do that now. Everyone set a timer... and say "Ready" when ready. 

🟒 Say: Now let's dedicate some time to going over these ideas together. Everyone take 3 minutes to pitch your idea. Keep it simple and set a timer. Let's start from the top.

πŸ”Ή Share your ideas. Keep it simple. Keep it in 3 min. 

🟒 Say: Now we need to turn these ideas into a 7-page pitch for the whole team to enjoy which we will present to the team in 46 hours. If you are all-in and ready to show the team your abilities, say "YES" in text chat now. 

πŸ”„ If people said NO🟒 Say: Go to your calendar or set an alarm to come to the meeting, tomorrow and the day after. There, you will hear from other teams you can join. 

πŸ”„ If people said NO: 🟒 Paste in chat: Those who said NO can listen in or come back tomorrow. 


🟒 Say: πŸ₯‡ Now we want to pair people opted out of pitching with those determined to go through. 

🟒 Say: Now we need to decide who's going to work on which idea. To do this, we need to assess our strengths, weaknesses, and availability.


🟒 Say: Let's start by figuring out what times we're available. We'll use a tool called Hammer Time, which translates our time zones for each other, as we're all in different time zones. Our objective is for all of us to understand the tool and to post a start and end time for each day of our availability.

πŸ”Ή Everyone should visit the following website "https://hammertime.cyou/" and work together to understand it. Namely, you should copy and paste different times and notice how it translates the time zone and talk about that.


🟒 Say: Let's take a moment to discuss the required skills for making these projects a reality that we possess as strengths. This could be programming, art, communication, marketing, production, or any area where we feel talented.

πŸ”Ή Discuss. 


🟒 Say: Now let's do the same with weaknesses. 

πŸ”Ή Discuss. 


🟒 Say: Now let's do the same with experience. How long has everyone here been working, and at what kind of companies? Would you guys consider yourselves juniors, mid-levels, or seniors, and if so, how much professional experience do you have?

πŸ”Ή Discuss. 

🟦 Teaming Up

🟒 Say: Considering everyone's strengths, weaknesses, and skills and matching them with our ideas, let's discuss how to best split into 2 teams.

πŸ₯‡πŸ”Ή Break up into teams of 3-4 people each backing 1 idea. 

🟒 Say: Let's learn together how to create channels in Discord in order to best create a space for ourselves. 

🟒 Say: Now we'll continue as individual teams. First, try the new feature by clicking on add voice channels to create your own voice and text chat in Discord. After setting it up, return here and bring your team members to your channel. Once we've split off, continue following the checklist under this header, "🟦🟦🟦 Electing a Servant Leader" starting by electing a Team Facilitator.

🟒 Say: Say "I" in chat right now if you see the "electing a servant leader" part of the checklist.

🟒 Action: Wait until everyone says "I" and help those who don't. 

πŸ”Ή Try creating a channel by clicking the add voice chat button, then return to the original channel once successful. Once each team has a working channel and everyone has split up, continue the checklist as individual teams.


🟦🟦🟦 Electing a Servant Leader

Electing a Facilitator

πŸ”Ή The first thing we need to do is elect a meeting facilitator. This person will only lead to read out the next 10 steps.

πŸ”Ή @name yourself in chat now if you want to volunteer! 

πŸ”Ή 🟒 is now the facilitator's responsibility. πŸ”Ή is still everyone's responsibility. 

🟒 Say: Let's learn together how to create channels in Discord in order to best create a space for ourselves. 

πŸ”Ή πŸ₯‡ Your goal is to ensure everyone watches this video: https://youtu.be/oqmbiuAafUg

🟒 Step 1: Click the πŸš€

🟒 Step 2: Choose "Watch Together"

🟒 Step 3: Put in the URL

🟒 Step 4: Have everyone click "Join Activity"

🟒 Say: All [P1] projects are created democratically without leaders dominating others.

🟒 Say: If at any point your team feels that your leader is not able to contribute enough time, you may take a vote to replace them in their role. 50% of voters must be present and agree to make such a replacement. 

🟒 Say: Generally, aim to make group decisions by building consensus rather than a majority vote. Putting personal feelings aside and being objective about what's best for the team is critical.

🟒 Say: Whoever you elect as your Servant Leader will be your long term team project manager. 

🟒 Say: You can also choose to split roles, appointing a Project Manager to facilitate teams and one person as your Product Owner who has the final say. It's up to you.

🟒 Say: Remember that all teams are democratic, and you can replace leaders or join a different team if you don't have faith in a particular leader. But whatever you do, do these things subtly, kindly, and with understanding for each other, encouraging each other as human beings toward your long-term success. 

πŸ”Ή Elect a Servant Leader and, if you like, a separate Product Owner. 

  • Nominate candidates by @tagging them
  • Or step up by @tagging yourself
  • Congratulate those who step up πŸ‘
  • Use πŸ‘emoji for the person you want to lead
  • Don't elect the same person twice in a row. 

🟒 = The elected Project Manager's responsibility.

🟒 Say: The first thing we need to do is decide on a time when we can meet daily. Many developers encourage having no zero days on their project, so it's best if we have one hour lined up every day until the deadline (not including weekends).

🟒 Say: To decide on a time, we use a specific method. First, I'll use Hammertime to suggest a time I'm available, and everyone hits the like button if they can meet then daily. If not, they should post their own time in Hammertime. The time with the most likes wins typically.

πŸ”Ή Choose a daily meeting time. Avoid the [P1] meeting time as you should all attend that too. 

🟒 Say: Now you must decide who's going to be in charge when the team servant leader is not available. 

πŸ”Ή Decide. 

🟒 Say: Now, you need to decide who's going to be in charge of onboarding new team members, as tomorrow we're going to talk about how to grow your teams so that you have all the skills you need on your team.

πŸ”Ή Decide. 

🟒 Say: The 2nd thing we need to do is get an appropriate game pitch up. We shouldn't aim for perfection yet, as we'll have time tomorrow to iterate, but a basic pitch should be done now.

πŸ”Ή Open the game pitch guide.

🟒 Say: Let's read it together. Say "I" when you're done.

🟒 Action: Wait for everyone to say "I."

πŸ”Ή Work together to get the bare-bones submitted right away. Then assign tasks as-to who will do what before you meet again tomorrow. You should ideally have a lot of time to finish tomorrow itself before you pitch on the 3rd day. 


🟦🟦 Team Registration

🟒 Say: The first thing we need to do is register your teams. We don't need to fill in all the sections yet -- future meetings will help us grow our teams. 

πŸ”ΉPaste the link.

🟒 Say: Everyone find the Team Registration link and say "I" in voice when you have it up. 

πŸ”ΉWait for them.

🟒 Say: Everyone find the section of the Discord it talks about and say "I" when you found it. 

πŸ”ΉWait for them.

🟒 Say: Everyone find the example post and say I.

πŸ”ΉWait for them.

🟒 Say: Now lets all fill out the basic framework with the very bare-bones information we have about our idea/game/project now. 

πŸ”ΉGive them 10 min. Make sure they finish -- however they can leave things which take time like the one sentence pitch and the 7 slides as a blank space for now. 

🟒 Say: Now we need to learn how to use hammertime together. Let's open the website share the link and see if we can figure out how it works. 

πŸ”ΉDiscuss. If stuck use guide

🟒 Say: Now we need to come up with a simple pitch for our games. It should be so short and sweet and really break down what makes our idea special in 1 shot. 

πŸ”ΉMake pitches, discuss them and challenge each other until you have something short and sweet anyone can understand.

πŸ”ΉContinue this same process for each item on the list, helping each other make awesome slides, sharing feedback and working till you drop πŸ˜‰. 


🟦🟦 Creating a Pitch

🟒 Say: The next thing we need to do is get an appropriate game pitch up for everyone's ideas.

πŸ”„πŸ”„You can skip this is everyone is already a professional. 

πŸ”„πŸŸ’ Say: Before we do that we need to know what sort of ideas are appropriate. We need to open this link

πŸ”„πŸŸ’ Action: Paste the link in chat. 

πŸ”„πŸŸ’ Action: Read each section out loud and stop when it says "Ask each other" and use that time to ask the listed question. 

πŸ”„πŸ”ΉDiscover how to watch the videos together using the Discord activity system and be sure to only watch the relevant times listed in the article. 

πŸ”„How to use Discord Activities 

🟒 Step 1: Click the πŸš€

🟒 Step 2: Choose "Watch Together"

🟒 Step 3: Put in the URL

🟒 Step 4: Have everyone click "Join Activity"

🟒 Say: It is really important we keep the scope right because our goal is to build the prototype for a project which is finishable by a team of 3-6 [P1] members within 120 days. [P1] does not continue to support projects which run more than 160 days in length. 

πŸ”Ή Open the game pitch guide.

🟒 Say: Let's read it together. Say "I" when you're done.

🟒 Action: Wait for everyone to say "I."

🟒 Say: We shouldn't aim for perfection, as we'll have time tomorrow to iterate, but a basic pitch should be done now.

🟦🟦🟦 Pitch Creation

πŸ”Ή πŸ₯‡Help each other together to get the bare-bones submitted right away. 


Stuff we removed (ignore)

Come up with a role for those who get this far. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We're experimenting with a new way of doing things, hoping to significantly reduce the capital necessary to build teams that create great products. If people can create games, applications, and software without the need to repay investors, along with themselves, it will give those teams much more freedom to create monetization systems that put people at the center.

πŸ”ΈSay: If it works, we can have an awesome impact together on creating a more ethical games industry that puts the player at the center. 

🟦🟦🟦 Team Registration 

In the future, there will be a section here in which new people are encouraged to sign an agreement, putting all their work under the open source license and agreeing to our terms of service.


πŸ”ΈSay: Think of us as an incubator mixed with an educational institution, but we don't take a stake in what you create and we don't charge $100,000 for a development degree.

πŸ”ΈSay: On the educational side, we believe in learning through doing rather than traditional instructional learning.

  • No projects that take longer than 30 days.

πŸ”Ή Write down a list of people who you might want to work with in the future based on your interactions.

Then begin to think about ideas. Project ideas that will help you accomplish those goals. 

You're all on one team this meeting. First, appoint someone as the meeting facilitator. 


Value of self-reliance and research before asking questions. 


πŸ”ΈSay: In all you do, embody the highest level of professionalism and integrity. 

  • Your word is your bond. If you commit to finishing a task by Aug 3rd, ensure it's done. 
  • Communicate clearly and often. If something comes up before Aug 3rd, don't wait till Aug 2nd to let people know. Keep people constantly updated. 
  • Show up on time & ready.
  • Only deliver exceptional work.

orange say unfortunately when people are given infinite freedom it can sometimes lead to less productivity than in a traditional environment where everyone is obligated to do something period  we are a place for self-motivated finishers only. most people here are interested in game development and anything related to game development is so much work it's not really worth your time unless you're all in 

πŸ”ΈSay: πŸ₯‡Whether you're here to break into the industry, build a hobby project, or go independent and build your own studio, our goal is to match up with people of similar interests by sharing your dreams, brainstorming project ideas that would help you accomplish those dreams, and then working together as a team to make each other's dreams a reality.

It's a new form of social organization in which cooperation and collaboration trump competition.



Today we'll be splitting up into separate teams, and learning about each other's goals, so that we can help empower each other. 

πŸ”Έ Say: We're experimenting with a new form of social education through creation, pairing you with others at your skill level to learn and grow together. You'll build amazing portfolio pieces, social good software projects, animations, videos or whatever else you choose, alongside others who share your goals, empowering you to succeed together.

πŸ”Έ Say: We will be holding a contest and giving out awards at the end for the winners. "Award-winning designer" might spruce up that old portfolio? 


🟧🟧🟧 [P1] Values

πŸ”Έ Say: Our goal is to pair you with people who'll help you reach your destination, whatever it may be. Whether you aim to change the world with a unique application, become a professional game developer, or pursue another personal goal, this system is designed to match you with others who can help you succeed.

πŸ”ΈSay: We're an organization for those grateful for life, eager to learn, take action, solve problems, and focused on conflict resolution. 

πŸ”ΈSay: Together, we'll cooperate, embodying the highest standard of [P1] values - namely putting others needs ahead of ourselves. We are a new form of social organization that believes by genuinely putting others' needs ahead of our own, we can build something greater than ever imagined.

πŸ”Έ Action: Ask someone random in the community what you just said are the [P1] values and explain to them that [P1] means People-1st. 

πŸ”ΈSay: In this community, we have a zero-tolerance policy for three things, please create a new document and write these down now. 

πŸ”Έ Action: Give them a moment to open the doc. 

  1. Gossip: If you have an issue with someone, address it with them alone privately. Public rabble rousing, wining and complaining also count. Rather, we cooperate with a solution oriended mindset. 
  2. Arrogance: If you don't have years of full-time commercial experience in your field, you don't yet have experience, and you should defer to those who do and always qualify statements made on subjects you're unfamiliar with with "I'm not an expert, but..." 
  3. Lazyness: Take the effort to learn as much as you can independently and avoid overly relying on others to do your work. Be grateful for the oppertunaties life presents by taking action, stepping up and serving others. Go out of your way to help others when they need it.

πŸ”ΈSay: Anyone lacking humility, pushing their ideas at others' expense, or failing to uphold our integrity will be removed from the community. 

πŸ”ΈSay: We're devoted to our [P1] values of putting others first, meaning the things we create together will have to be dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. 

πŸ”Έ Say: Being a pro game dev is like being a star athlete—super competitive and for the best. Most think game making requires math skills, but great communication is actually paramount in every field that requires teamwork. It puts you ahead. Today, grab opportunities presented, speak up clearly and bravely, stumble and fail freely, no one will judge. This is a place where mistakes are allowed. 

πŸ”Έ Say: It's rare for opportunity to knock in life, but when it does we all have a choice, sit on our hands or dive right in. Let's open that door wide and dive in today. Speak up, make connections, win.

πŸ”Έ Say: At [P1] Gaming, whether it's a hobby, starting a studio, or building a portfolio, we will push to level you up and turn dreams into reality. From this day forward you won't be alone in this but on your mission together. Communication is crucial here. Be empathetic, listen, give introverts a voice, be patient, but also respect everyone's time. 




[P1] is a place that connects people globally, matching them with others who have similar goals and complementary skills, facilitating the achievement of those goals. Whether you want to build a dream project, acquire game development fundamentals, or create an ideal portfolio, if your values match our [P1] values, you are free to leverage this community for your goals!

🟧🟧🟧 Contest Details

πŸ”ΈSay: What we're doing today is empowering you to make a pitch for a contest that we'll hold together.

Removed faithfulness: 

πŸ”Έ Say: If you tagged 4 people and also send the message you sent them type: `Yes, I tagged and DMed people, here is the message I sent: " " ` in chat and you will be awarded 300 Faithfulness.
πŸ”Έ Say: You can also do this if you invited a non-[P1] friend. 
🟧🟧 Explain Faithfulness

πŸ”Έ Say: Faithfulness measures your follow-through. Earn it by participating in activities like these meetings, volunteering, or fulfilling promises. A great way is being in this voice chat; even muted and deafened earns some, but actively talking earns more.
πŸ”Έ Say: We typically pair people with similar levels of faithfulness for co-mentorship, ensuring committed individuals lead teams of equally dedicated members. 
πŸ”Έ Say: Faithfulness can also qualify you for elite programs like The Covenant, a group of elite, highly-capable devs who work with game industry CEOS to get into the industry asap. 
πŸ”Έ Say: If you're interested in more details about that program, feel free to message me. For now, I'll give you guys 5 minutes to tag or message others.
If they message you, send them:






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