1. Overview
  2. Daily Meeting [Host] Checklists
  3. [Day 19] (3nd Monday) Prizes [Host] [WIP]

[Day 19] (3nd Monday) Prizes [Host] [WIP]

Preparation: Judging Submissions

Judging Submissions

You should first go and judge all the submissions so that you know who the winner is. There is a guide on how to do this, and it begins by disqualifying unqualified games and then judging each game, and finally, writing notes on those games to encourage the teams and give them feedback on where they can improve.

🥇 Your goal is to give tough feedback to each game so that they improve their quality before the end of the competition!


🔸 Event host

🔹 Everyone else

🟢 Elected team facilitator

🥇 Goal: These will help you improvise. 
This checklist is detailed, but you can reach the goals using your judgment if you think you can achieve them faster than the checklist suggests. 

🟦🟦🟦 Headers, subheaders 1, 2, 3. 

Headers are silent, don't share them. 

🔄 Conditional

🟧🟧🟧 Basic Introduction

🔸 Say loudly: Welcome everyone! My name is ____, and I'll be your host.

🔸Say: Keep in mind that our community has very specific criteria for the project it's looking to continue to work on. However, that doesn't mean that people can't use this as a place just to do short projects which are complete at the end of the jam. Those projects could be the best project and may not win the jam because they are not the best representation of what the community could work on. Therefore, you have to understand that no matter who wins this jam, your work is really valuable, even if it isn't necessarily the one that will win.

🔸Say: The judges will take your votes into consideration when making their final decision, so vote wisely.



🟧🟧🟧 Invites

🔸 Say: Getting the maximum possible feedback will help us ensure that we deliver the best result possible to the judges. Let's all invite our friends to come and give feedback on all the amazing games and projects made here today. 

🔸Say: I will paste a message you can send your friends in chat: 

hey want to see some of the work we made for the P1 game jam?

🔸 Have everyone send a direct message to those they tagged.
🔸 Say: If you tagged 4 people and also send the message you sent them type: `Yes, I tagged and DMed people, here is the message I sent: " " ` in chat and you will be awarded 300 Faithfulness.
🔸 Say: You can also do this if you invited a non-[P1] friend. 
Ignore ❌

Note to Samuel: You're going to have to figure out how these people can bring their friends in if the Discord is going to be locked later on. 

🔸 Say: I'll give you guys 5 minutes to tag or message others.
If they message you, send them:

The Covenant is a group of elite [P1] members, hyper-determined to get into the industry as soon as possible, and they collaborate on handpicked quality teams to build commercial projects to get into the industry. All the info you need can be found here: https://discord.gg/muQzGWjrP8
🔸Action: Wait for everyone to finish tagging 4x. Use whatever method to ensure they all get done. One way is to have everyone visit a separate text channel and click the emoji on the word "Done" as follows:


🟧🟧🟧 Playtesting

🔸Action: Paste this in chat: 

**==== Games ====**

🔸Say: Now it's time to gather up all of the different things we're going to be testing today. I want each team to write up a set of instructions for testing that may include controls, where to download, and how to run these projects. We will start with the first team to post. Post! 

🔸Action: Wait for people to post. 

🔸Action: Paste this in chat: 


🔸Say: As we test these wonderful creations, be sure to write down both positive and negative notes to share with the original creators as you play, watch, or test. If you're able to share your screen as you test, that would be amazing. Everyone should be testing each one of these programs or games each time. Don't disengage yourself because that just means less feedback and less empowerment within the community.

🔸Action: Playtest each game or project. Set a timer to make sure all projects can be playtested within 1 hour. 

🟧🟧🟧 Exploring the Creations

🔸Say: We've seen the incredible creations teams can make, but to judge them properly, we need to understand their individual components.

🔸Action: Have everyone open: https://discord.gg/AEszJ5xrWh

🔸Say: Open Discord and complete the verification process as quickly as possible.

🔸Say: Once you're in, go to the project section and look for the new projects that have been posted.

🔸Say: Let's all check out the art and sound assets together and leave feedback on our favorites!

🔸Say: I want to create a space where you can speak up and boast about the awesome things your team members did that deserve highlighting. 

🔸Say: We'd like to admire your art, enjoy your music, highlight your code and really spotlight the best work behind each piece of these games. 

🔸Say: As people showcase each other's work, look for highlights and leave feedback, especially critical feedback where necessary, so we can all improve.

🔸Say: Ok pop on the mic and boast about someone's work! 

🔸Action: Find great pieces of art and music and highlight them by asking members to help. (15-25 min).


🟧🟧🟧 Voting

🔸Say: Now, we want everyone who has made something that was tested today to post their one-sentence summary and a link to their project itself.

🔸Say: The voting criteria for today is:

- Which project is the best representation of a bigger concept which would greatly impact society if properly fleshed out. 

🔸Action: Paste this in chat: 

**==== Voting ====**

> 🏆 Which project is the best representation of a bigger concept which would greatly impact society if properly fleshed out. 

> 😁 Most fun

> 📹 Best trailer

> 😊 Biggest impact if complete

> 🎶 Best sound design

> 🎵 Best soundtrack

> 💡 Most innovative

> ♿ Most accessible

> 📖 Emotional masterpiece

> 🧩 Best theme fit


🔸Action: Have everyone post their game. 

🔸Action: Add each emoji to each post, ask others to help if need-be. 🏆😁📝📹😊🎶🎵💡♿📖

🔸Say: Now that everyone has posted, everyone has as many votes as they want to vote up or vote down the projects they think have the most potential to finish and to make a positive impact according to their own vision. 

🔸Action: Hold the vote. Set a timer for voting to end. 

🔸Say: If you vote positive or negative, you must leave all the positive and negative feedback you had for that team. Be sure to use the reply function.

🔸Action: Figure out which team got the most upvotes, then subtract the downvotes or negative votes from the positive number to determine which team won.

🔸Action: Award the team with the highest positive votes the victory.

🔸Say: When you submit, please mention that you won this particular competition; otherwise, you will not get the bonus points associated with it.

🔸Action: Celebrate the victory. 

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