1. Overview
  2. Daily Meeting [Host] Checklists
  3. [Day 2] Idea Brainstorm Meeting [Thursday] [Host]

[Day 2] Idea Brainstorm Meeting [Thursday] [Host]


1) Do /giveaway

2) Ask if the times are better spread or not. 

3) If dense choose pitches Friday, if not review fri, choose mon


Yesterday, everyone split off into teams 🥇 Your is to have the pair off once more, so that they can come up with game ideas that are relevant and valuable.


🔸 Event host

🔹 Everyone else

🟢 Elected team facilitator

🥇 Goal: These will help you improvise. 
This checklist is detailed, but you can reach the goals using your judgment if you think you can achieve them faster than the checklist suggests. 

🟦🟦🟦 Headers, subheaders 1, 2, 3. 

🔄 Conditional

🟧🟧🟧 Basic Introduction

🔸 Say loudly: Welcome everyone! My name is ____, and I'll be your host.

🔸Say: For those who know how to "tag four people," you may do so right now to save time on the next step.

🔸Say: If you are brand new here, hang on for about 15 minutes as we will briefly go over what our program is, and then you'll get a chance to jump in. To summarize, we are like an incubator that connects people on open-source projects and empowers them to build stuff that impacts the world for the better, but you'll get the full context by listening in!

🔸Say: Today we will reveal the game jam's theme!

🟧🟧 About Us

🟧 Educational Community

Replacement of this section coming soon: 

  • Discipline 
  • Axe to grind 

🔸Say: Yesterday, you learned how to do an activity, but in case you forgot, you need to click the YouTube or Rocket icon. I'm going to put up an activity right now to watch a video together. It's going to be a little bit fast, so if you have questions, feel free to ask them afterward. Just write them down for now.

🔸Start a Youtube activity with this video and have everyone watch: https://youtu.be/2VGZL73l0FY

🔸 Set the speed to 1.25. on the video. 

Open in case the video does not work

🔸Say: I'd like to start by talking a little about the educational side of things, especially when it comes to games, but this platform is equally useful for those who already have skills wanting to build something awesome together in the form of any digital or even physical product. 

🔸Say: You should also know that I will talk about education how its done generally but please note that there's a huge variance between educational institutions on all these points, so what's true for one is not true for others. 

🔸Say: The average person pays about $100,000 for a game development degree, but the overwhelming majority don't break into the industry. 

🔸Say: This leaves students saddled with debt and unable to use the skills they thought they had.

🔸Say: Unfortunately, Samuel when inquiring of industry insiders was told that many universities inflate their placement numbers by counting anyone who makes even a dollar selling assets on platforms like Unity's Asset Store as placed. These people aren't placed in jobs; they're struggling for survival with $100,000 in debt.

🔸Say: Recently, the IGDA, the world's largest organization advocating for game developers, released a report on these issues.

🔸Action: Paste this link https://igda.org/resources-archive/hireability-gaps-and-frictions-between-university-game-programs-and-industry-hires-2023/

🔸Say: Recently Samuel met with an IGDA board member to discuss game development education. He learned that many universities teach game development as an art form rather than a road to job placement, and the majority have little-to-no connections with industry insiders.

🔸Say: We believe there's got to be a better way. 

🔸Say: What if we could build a coalition of motivated, enthusiastic people dedicated to empowering each other to reach their own goals? That's what we've decided to pursue here at [P1]. 

🔸Say: If we all work together, we can get to our destination faster than ever before.

🔸Say: We're working on something radically different and open, empowering you from the bottom up and allowing donations to make this dream a reality.

There is one more thing you should know if you are seeking to get a job in the industry. 

🔸Say: See game development, software development, and animation projects are already tough, so companies want to know that they people they hire already understand the social side of working with a company. While not everyone here may need this—some already have industry experience—we maintain professionalism in this community to prepare those who don't. We demand the highest standard of ethics and integrity from members of the community for this reason. 

🔸Say: We are not just a community, we are creating an ideal learning environment with high standards. 

🔸Say: To maintain the highest level of professionalism, we will sometimes step in and take disciplinary action to time out, mute, or even sometimes ban members. If this happens, the person removed may feel left out. Contacting members going through the discipline process is a surefire way to create drama as such people may have an ax to grind. Instead, report those who do, and we'll solve the problem. Those who join us agree not to contact members banned from the community during the time of their discipline or ban as long as they remain members of this community. However, keep in mind that you can uproot your project from this community if you want to. 

🔸Say: The managers of this community have only one incentive: to make you guys succeed as much as possible. That's why we take no stake in your games. We are independent arbiters seeking your success.

🔸Say: Does that make sense? If you have questions, you can leave them in chat and if you agree with this, type yes in chat now.

🔸Action: Give everyone a few seconds here to type. If nobody's typing, you can keep going but don't spend more than 4 to 5 minutes on this.

🔸Say: We believe that learning by doing is far superior to just learning things in abstract and being graded on them. Instead, if you can make real stuff here and present it to the world, you can get real-world feedback and see what works and what doesn't.

🔸Paste this in chat after 1 min: Recently, the IGDA, the world's largest organization advocating for game developers, released a report on these issues. https://igda.org/resources-archive/hireability-gaps-and-frictions-between-university-game-programs-and-industry-hires-2023/

🔸Wait 3 min as they watch and paste this:

To donate, visit: https://form.jotform.com/233525854998979  

Apply for The Covenant here: https://form.jotform.com/232886828471975 

🔸Say: Of all that was said in the video, what was one thing you did not understand or confused you?

🔸Wait for replies. 


🔸If no one speaks up ask one of these random questions: 

  • What's one thing you guys think traditional education gets wrong that we or others could innovate on? 
  • What could be the potential impact of allowing people to find others without having capital upfront, while still maintaining an intense professional environment and high standards? 
  • Why does creating a professional environment help everyone here succeed? 

🔸Say: We are about to reveal the theme for this month's Ignite Jam, but before we do that, we need to explain how you're going to get the manpower on your teams to build the projects. 

🔸Say: By the end of today, each team will understand the project it's aiming for. You need to have that established before you can recruit anybody to your team.

🔸Say: After all, new members of your team need to know what they're getting into.

🟧🟧🟧 What We Are Making

🔸Say: Today, we're focusing on developing game and project ideas that meet the restrictions and objectives outlined earlier.
🔸Say: We're going to cover quite a lot here, and you might want to write down a few notes so that we can compare notes afterward.

🔸Say: Let's revisit the goal of this event. 

🔸Say: Our mission with this event is to build prototypes of reasonably-scoped projects that could be games, animations, software or real world projects that will make a positive impact.

🔸Say: We are creating a quick prototype, not the final product.

🔸Say: For those bringing in past projects, outline your two-week plan to make substantial progress from your current state to your envisioned completion. You will compete not on the viability of your prototype but the quality of the goals set and your progress toward your self-set goals. 

🔸Say: According to our contest guidelines, several factors will be taken into consideration. 

The three that make the biggest difference are:

  1. What is the quality of the project? 
    1. Namely, if it's a game, is it fun? If it's an animation is to engaging, entertaining or educating? If it's an app, is it solving the problem it was set out to solve? 
  2. What degree of positive impact will the project have on society when complete. 
    1. Games must have a positive impact beyond entertainment. 
  3. Will the project further the personal goals of those participating in it?
    1. This is somewhat like if people that are building this game want to build their portfolio, would it actually serve to further their portfolio if it were complete?

🔸Say: It's really important that you think small and focus on the essentials. If you're creating a game, you should create the minimum viable product necessary to reveal if the gameplay loop you have in mind is viable or not. If that's not clear in the final product, you're wasting your time.

🔸Say: To make sure that it fulfills the personal goals of those participating in it, you need to consider what, for example, artists might need on their portfolio. If realism is what they need, then your game should be realistic. If Unreal Engine is what they are seeking to practice to get a job, then your game might want to use Unreal Engine, but this is extremely subjective and highly depends on the needs of those starting the team.

🔸Say: Finally, when it comes to positive impact, we have a good variety of options we can go over here.

🔸Say: One way of making a game that has an impact is to teach something that aligns with [P1] values and methodology, or any other idea you value.

🔸Say: You can learn about those here: 

🔸Paste: You can learn about those here: https://p1oc.net/p1values

🔸Say: I encourage you to take a moment to read those values in your own time after this event.


🟧🟧 Week's Process

🔸Say: Today's meeting is the 2nd step in a project creation process which focuses on outlining the idea design of a project that fits your team's goals. 

🔸Say: I suggest you open a fresh word processing document to note these coming points down. However, nothing here is mandatory.  

🔸Say: If you are ready for me to start can you say "I" on the mic? 

🔸Wait for at least 50% to say "I".

🔸Say:  Then (1), we'll develop a framework for which ideas best fulfill those goals. Finally (2), we will review the guidelines and register for the competition. 

🔸Say: Tomorrow at this time, we'll get together to understand what sort of project ideas are acceptable. Then, teams will break up and work on pitches for their games.

??? Friday is first pitch! 

🔸Say: The day after we will choose 1 pitch to go forward giving them a head start. 

🔸Say: The other teams will have the weekend to refine their ideas based on feedback and pitch again on Monday. 

🔸Say: A day-to-day breakdown of all we are doing each day can be found via the link I will post in chat. 

🔸Paste:  https://p1oc.net/contestprocess 

🔸Say with emphasis: Every day we will meet here at this time. Everyone set an alarm to go off at this time daily. I will give you a moment. 


Alarm set 

👍 = Done
⏩ = Skipping this step

🔸Add the emoji to the message.

🔸Say: Many of those who finish by that timeline will get an award for doing so. You can win in a whole bunch of categories. I will paste them in chat. 



> 🏆 Which project is the best representation of a bigger concept which would greatly impact society if properly fleshed out. 

> 😁 Most fun

> 📹 Best trailer

> 🎨 Best art

> 🏃‍♂️ Best animation

> 🎶 Best sound design

> 🎵 Best soundtrack

> 💡 Most innovative

> ♿ Most accessible

> 📖 Emotional masterpiece

> 📕 Best narrative

> 🧩 Best theme fit


🔸Say: These are all voted on by the community and the awards themselves will look great on a portfolio. 


🟧🟧🟧 Helpfulness 

🔸Say: Throughout this competition, your job is not to "win" but to help each other build amazing projects and grow in your professional skills. 

🔸Say: That's why we have introduced a currency called Helpfulness. Helpfulness is gained by doing all sorts of actions. Everyone type /achievements in text chat now. 



🔸Say: I will post DONE in general chat now. Give it a 👍 when you got it since bots are complex to use and hard to understand. 


🔸Say: There's a lot to understand about Helpfulness, but, there are 3 things you need to grasp today:

  1. 🔸Say:    1 You need Helpfulness to onboard people to your team.
  2. 🔸Say:    2 You earn Helpfulness by being active in voice chat, posting to #showcase. 
  3. 🔸Say:    3 Each team member on your team needs to do /shop to access the place where you buy an access ticket to join a team. 

🔸Say: Try typing /shop in chat now. 



🔸Say: Joining teams costs 5000 Helpfulness, unless you bring someone new to [P1], in that case, you will be given 2000 Helpfulness and a join pass will be given the new member. You will need to request these of me, the host. 

🔸Say: Don't worry! If any of this confuses you, you can ask others who have been through the competition before. Also, note that we'll have an exercise later on that covers this in more detail with your team.


🟧🟧🟧 Invites

🔸 Say: If you think this is the sort of environment that one of your friends would enjoy, feel free to send them a direct message or invite! Click the invite icon to invite someone: 

🔸 Say: I will paste an image that will show you how.

🔸 Paste both:   https://i.imgur.com/5wywwMk.png https://i.imgur.com/8lfb6Tu.png

🔸 Say: Anyone is welcome to be part of this program provided they are the sort of professional people that will keep to our values. Don't invite immature, unprofessional people.

🔸 Say: We will give those who want to reach out to their friends a minute and open up for any questions people have.

🔸 Give them time.

🟧🟧🟧 Theme


🔸Say loudly and with excitement: To begin, we will be revealing our theme:

Reveal Theme Here🎉

More than one way around the problem.

🔸Say: This theme will give new teams a little bit of a leg up, but it's only worth a few bonus points, so if you're an established team working on a project that's in a radically different direction, you should continue in that direction. But if you're a new project, adopting the theme will give you a little boost.
🔸Say: Unlike traditional jams, these events place only minor importance on the theme, letting past projects continue and prioritizing idea quality over strict theme adherence.

🔸Say: However, adhering to the theme can still give you an edge in winning.


🔸 Have everyone send a direct message to those they tagged:
"P1 is doing a program where we can make our own projects, want to come join in?"
🔸 Say: If you tagged 4 people and also send the message you sent them type: `Yes, I tagged and DMed people, here is the message I sent: " " ` in chat and you will be awarded 300 Faithfulness.
🔸 Say: You can also do this if you invited a non-[P1] friend. 
🟧🟧 Explain Faithfulness

🔸 Say: Faithfulness measures your follow-through. Earn it by participating in activities like these meetings, volunteering, or fulfilling promises. A great way is being in this voice chat; even muted and deafened earns some, but actively talking earns more.
🔸 Say: We typically pair people with similar levels of faithfulness for co-mentorship, ensuring committed individuals lead teams of equally dedicated members. 
🔸 Say: Faithfulness can also qualify you for elite programs like The Covenant, a group of elite, highly-capable devs who work with game industry CEOS to get into the industry asap. 
🔸 Say: If you're interested in more details about that program, feel free to message me. For now, I'll give you guys 5 minutes to tag or message others.
If they message you, send them:

The Covenant is a group of elite [P1] members, hyper-determined to get into the industry as soon as possible, and they collaborate on handpicked quality teams to build commercial projects to get into the industry. All the info you need can be found here: https://discord.gg/muQzGWjrP8

🟧🟧 Being Finishers

🔸Say: We don't charge anything for the service and are working hard to make this a non-profit, covering its costs through sponsorship.

🔸Say: An unfortunate reality is that no matter how much value you provide for free, as long as people don't pay for it, many tend to give up. People, when given total freedom, are drawn to the fun of starting things rather than the satisfaction of finishing.

🔸Action: Paste the link to this tweet: https://twitter.com/tracewoodgrains/status/1732831828094886020

🔸Say: Take a look at this; it's Replit's 100 Days of Code tutorial, and notice how few people actually complete it.

Of those 200,000 people who started, how many of them wanted to learn code?

🔸Wait for someone to speak up.

🔄 If no one speaks up tell them: "When you have a large group of people, it's easy to defer to everybody else. I'm trying to break that habit by asking you guys questions throughout, so just whenever I pop in a question, feel free to open your mic and speak up."

🔸Say: It seems like only 20-30 finished.

🔸Say: No matter what we do here, we can't change the fact that it's more fun to start things than to finish them, and some people will always be tempted to continually start new things, even if it's not in their best interest, rather than completing projects that cause them to stand out as a candidate and impact the world for the better.  

🔸Say: However, it's the finishers who impact the world.  

🔸Say: Let's all post our motivation for finishing our projects here in the chat right now!


🟧🟧 Voice Chat

🔸Say: Our number one discovery has been that when people see each other active in voice chat, they will also step up, be active, take part, and be finishers. That's why we ask everyone, whenever you're working on the project, to make a channel for you and your team and start working away. 

🔸Say: We require a minimum of 35 hours in voice chat, even if you're AFK some of that time, to be considered an active participant on your team and to get the bonus for the number of participants on a team.

🔸Say: Activity Watch is a free, open-source program that lets you track your number of hours in Discord over a month in a way that isn't sent to a server, and we strongly recommend it but it is not required.

🔸Action: Paste the link https://activitywatch.net/


🟧🟧 Onboarding

🔸Say: Keeping the right density of complementary users in a place when you have no control over who comes and goes can be challenging. 

🔸Say: In order to ensure we retain enough people to successfully empower teams with all the skills they need, we need your help. That's why we've included a little bonus in the contest that can go a long way.

🔸Say: On a regular basis, we will work with paid staff who will market this program to the world, even though it's free. We're going to give a bonus 1000 Helpfulness to every team that helps onboard somebody who comes in through that marketing effort. 

🔸Say: Each team needs to appoint someone who will onboard incoming members to their team, 1 for each day of the week. 

🔸Say: Not doing so will mean no new members for your team! 

Removed, ignore


🔸Say: Yesterday, you were told to elect somebody on your team in charge of onboarding. If you were that person and you were elected, speak up now.

🔸Say: More on that when we split off.

🔸Paste this in chat: This video will explain how to get people on to your team: https://youtu.be/gOJi13o9-Uk

🔸Say: If you are brand new here, now is your time to speak up.

🔸Say: All new members say your name in chat and post 1 sentence about your skill set. 3, 2, 1, go! 

🔸Wait & look for new faces and call them out "are you new here". Ask Samuel to add a special role to new people if he has not already (DM). 

🔸Get link and paste in chat: This checklist link.

🔸Say: Now it's time for the teams left that haven't onboarded somebody to continue working on your pitches. If you want to know how to work on your pitches, just go through this checklist. I'll go ahead and post it in chat for you.

🔸Say: You know how we talked about stepping up and seizing opportunities? This is your chance to push your boundaries and gain experiences. Opportunity doesn't always knock, so seize it while it does. Go ahead and bring these people onto your teams. Again the meeting ends right after this so you won't miss anything. We can't end until each new person has a team to go to!

🟧🟧🟧 Split List 

🔸Say: Now each team will split off to the channel which you used on day 1 and follow the checklist I will post now in chat. 

🔸Paste: https://p1oc.net/day2teams 

🔸Action: Give everyone the link and have them split into their different teams. Tell them to use the channels they used last time or create new ones. Ensure that everyone goes to their teams.




🔸Say: Throughout this process, our community will be reaching out to people from around the world to bring them into this community, ensuring we have an ongoing supply of amazing, diverse skills for your teams.

🔸Say: As new people join, we can't integrate them all onto teams; instead, we reward teams for doing this. Therefore, today, set aside a bit of time to create an onboarding process for your team. Determine what tools you'll use, what newcomers need to know about your vision, and give them a roadmap to integrate into your team.


END Ignore: 

🔸Say: One way we achieve this is by building a network of mentors through something called a "co-mentorship session," which will happen later in this program.


🔸Say: One of the best ways to ensure people learn is to give them ownership over their success or failure. When you're in charge of what's happening, you become deeply engaged and learn from both success and failure.

🔸Say: And it's always better to learn from actual player feedback or a customer than from a mentor trying to abstractly grade what you're doing.



Grading Kills Creativity

🔸Say: Our first target is the abstraction that comes with a grade.

🔸Say: Ultimately, game development, software development, and animation are done with a particular goal, usually to do it full-time, either running it as a business or joining one.

🔸Say: However, in Samuel's experience, there are many paths to success. While working on Ylands, Samuel noted that their strategy was to partner with other businesses, eventually leading to a significant deal with Tencent.

🔸Say: This isn't a typical route to monetize a game, but thinking outside the box is essential with all you do. 

🔸Say: Your goal might not be to make money, and that's okay but player feedback, for example, can be a great way to learn real game design -- something most degrees really struggle with. 

🔸Say: Unfortunately, traditional grading systems confine your thinking. They need to keep you in a box to grade you.

🔸Say: Our way is to bring people together to build awesome stuff, then showcase it for real-world feedback to improve our work. This is also why we have stringent requirements on what is created, as we aim to help synergize marketing. Getting the word out is key to snagging feedback.

🔸Say: Quick aside: A lot of people think if you build a great product, it'll sell itself, but as our mentor James Mouat, with 20 years as a industry experience as game director at EA and Ubisoft, says: "90% of making games is about marketing." This is lesser-known in the indie community, but the reality doesn't hit until after you've made a game. 

The Incentive Problem

🔸Say: Unfortunately, the incentive structure for modern education means the longer you take, the better for the institution, leading to a tendency to prolong education. Plus, they're not accountable if you don't land a job.


orange say at the end of the day game development software development animation and the like are done with a particular goal in mind and for most people that goal is going to be to do it full time and to run it as a business or to join a business doing it full-time 

orange say however in Samuel's experience there are so many different ways to get to the destination period when working on Ylands Samuel noticed that their strategy was to find other businesses that could find the game useful and eventually they ended up selling their entire company in part to 10 cent through the game by offering it in part to solve problems Tencent had. 

orange say that's not a normal route to monetize the game but thinking outside the box like that is essential with everything you do 

orange say Now your goal is not likely to make money yet -- and that's ok player feedback on games for example can be a great way to learn game design. 

orange say unfortunately traditional grading systems don't allow you to think outside the box they have to strictly keep you within the box so that they can grade you 

orange say our way is to bring people together to build awesome stuff and then put it before an audience to get their real life feedback so we can improve our work. 

Educational Community

orange say unfortunately the way the incentive structure for a modern school is set up and such that the longer you take to educate yourself the better it is for the school -- this leads to a strong incentive to keep people as long as possible. Moreover they are not responsible if you don't get a job. 

orange say this link will give you some information from the biggest organization supporting game developers

orange action Paste this link https://igda.org/resources-archive/hireability-gaps-and-frictions-between-university-game-programs-and-industry-hires-2023/ 

orange say don't get me wrong there are some great educational institutions out there and there's a huge difference between some and others so don't take this as a blanket kind of nation of condemnation of the current educational establishment but we believe there's always room for innovation. 

🔸Say: When designing this system, we considered that modern education systems are incredibly expensive and incentivized to retain students as long as possible. By contrast, creating a high-level professional community of engaged people eager to get things done, we prepare a fast track for learning through doing.

🔸Say: We believe learning through doing is far superior to abstract learning where you're graded on a preset test. With our approach, you receive real-life feedback on actual products you create with other members here. While we don't guarantee marketing help, if your product is similar to others, it's easy to make connections and support each other's success—that's what this place is all about. The feedback you get through marketing will be essential to understanding who your customer is and how you can connect with them. 

🔸Say: I'll linger in chat to be a resource to you in case you need help with your pitches or if you have questions. You can start asking them now or teams that want to split off can do so now. If you want to split off use the same system as last time and make a new Discord channel. 



🟧🟧🟧 Let Everyone Know

🔸Post the theme to #news in Discord.











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