1. Overview
  2. Daily Meeting [Host] Checklists
  3. [Day 4] Repitches & Recruiting

[Day 4] Repitches & Recruiting

🥇 Your goal today is to create an environment where everyone gets useful feedback on their pitches.


🔸 Event host

🔹 Everyone else

🟢 Elected team facilitator

🥇 Goal: These will help you improvise. 
This checklist is detailed, but you can reach the goals using your judgment if you think you can achieve them faster than the checklist suggests. 

🟦🟦🟦 Headers, subheaders 1, 2, 3. 

Headers are silent, don't share them. 

🔄 Conditional

🟧🟧🟧 Basic Introduction

🔸 Say loudly: Welcome everyone! My name is ____, and I'll be your host.

🔸Say: If you're looking for an introduction today to join us, hang in there just a quick second. We're going to do the pitches first, and then afterward, you'll have the opportunity to get onboarded to a team. 

🔸Say: Today, we will be pitching and voting on pitches one last time. At the end of this meeting, all teams should rush to finalize their plan and build the smallest possible playable version of their creations. On Tuesday of next week, we will meet again to test your creations in whatever form they are testable, and the team with the most progress will win a small bonus toward ultimate victory. Make sure that by our first game test on Tuesday, you have a game or prototype up that people can either see or, better yet, test.

🔸Say: Games should be uploaded on itch.io and should run on the web if it's possible. Software needs to run on Windows. Animation or video projects should be viewable. 

🟧🟧🟧 Invites

🔸 Say: If you think this is the sort of environment that one of your friends would enjoy, feel free to send them a direct message or invite now. 

🔸Say: I will paste a message you can send your friends in chat: 

hey there's this cool program where people get together and build projects and I'm making one come pop in 

🔸 Have everyone send a direct message to those they tagged:
"today we're going to be hearing some game pitches and helping them get feedback if you want to join me"
🔸 Say: If you tagged 4 people and also send the message you sent them type: `Yes, I tagged and DMed people, here is the message I sent: " " ` in chat and you will be awarded 300 Faithfulness.
🔸 Say: You can also do this if you invited a non-[P1] friend. 
🟧🟧 Explain Faithfulness

🔸 Say: Faithfulness measures your follow-through. Earn it by participating in activities like these meetings, volunteering, or fulfilling promises. A great way is being in this voice chat; even muted and deafened earns some, but actively talking earns more.
🔸 Say: We typically pair people with similar levels of faithfulness, ensuring committed individuals lead teams of equally dedicated members. 
🔸 Say: Faithfulness can also qualify you for elite programs like The Covenant, a group of elite, highly-capable devs who work with game industry CEOS to get into the industry asap. 
🔸 Say: If you're interested in more details about that program, feel free to message me. For now, I'll give you guys 5 minutes to tag or message others.
If they message you, send them:

The Covenant is a group of elite [P1] members, hyper-determined to get into the industry as soon as possible, and they collaborate on handpicked quality teams to build commercial projects to get into the industry. All the info you need can be found here: https://discord.gg/muQzGWjrP8
🔸Action: Wait for everyone to finish tagging 4x. Use whatever method to ensure they all get done. One way is to have everyone visit a separate text channel and click the emoji on the word "Done" as follows:

🟧🟧🟧 Voting

🔸Say: Now, we're going to listen to everyone's pitch, and I want everyone to write down positives and negatives of each pitch as you hear them on your own piece of paper. Then, when we actually vote, you will be sharing some of that feedback with the people who made the pitches in order to help each other succeed.

🔸Say: You have only 3 minutes for your pitch, so pitch quickly. If your pitch takes more than 4 minutes, you will be disqualified.

🔸Say: As people pitch write down their game name and 3 points of positive and negative feedback at least. 

🔸Say: Typically, when people pitch stuff, the advantage goes to the first person and the last person due to how human memory works. If you'd like to be the first team to pitch, speak up now. Speak up in voice chat only.

🔸Action: Time the pitches and make sure that they stay within 4 minutes. Disqualify them if they take more than 5. 

🔸Paste this link: https://i.imgur.com/rs9LUi4.png

🔸Say: Now, in order from the first person to share their pitches to the last, I want you all to post in chat, with nobody else chatting, each different pitch with only 4 elements:

  1. Project name.
  2. Your one-sentence summary. 
  3. Your planned impact on the world.
  4. A link to your team's registration. I have pasted a link which will show you how to get a link to your team's registration page. 

That's it. Good luck everybody, prepare to do that right now. We're going to start with the first person that pitched.

🔸Action: Have everyone post. 

Add a ✅, 🤚 and ❌ to every pitch. 


🔄🔄 If you have less than 13 pitches

🔸Action: Do this for each pitch:

  1. Remind everyone to write down their feedback for the pitch
  2. Give them 3 min to pitch
  3. Celebrate the pitch with the soundboard
  4. Highlight the pros of the pitch
  5. Bring up any cons
  6. Ask the community for feedback on the pitch 🔸Say: Anyone want to be brave and share some affirmations or concerns about the pitch? What are some things the pitch did well or where was it lacking?
  7. 🔸Say: Feedback is always welcome in chat too. 
  8. 🔸Say: Anything that confused you about the pitch?

Do this for each pitch.

Feedback should be based on this criteria: 

8 slide pitch

  • Your idea put so simply that anyone can understand it in two slides -- use images
  • How this game fulfills your goals 
  • How this game makes an impact on the world for good
  • The art style in one slide (if relevant) -- color (choose 3 colors), style (low poly, pixel), other game examples. 
  • What the project will look like when complete and how long it will take the project to be completed if selected
  • Who you are shooting impact (target audience)
  • 50 words per slide is a MAX. 
🔄🔄 If you have 13+

🔸Action: Do this for each pitch:

  1. Remind everyone to write down their feedback for the pitch
  2. Give them 3 min to pitch
  3. Celebrate the pitch with the soundboard

🔸Say: Now that everyone has posted their pitches, I want everyone to give two different pitches a negative vote. Two negative votes per person.

🔸Say: However, when you vote you MUST leave feedback along with your vote or it does not count. 

🔸Say: Hover over the post and click reply as you leave feedback.

🔸Paste: https://i.imgur.com/pqpoj3i.png

🔸Say: New people can vote too!

🔸Say: Everyone should check the reactions to ensure no one cheats, but we're trusting people not to do so. Then, we need to post some feedback on why and how we think the pitch could be improved. This way, we're giving each other critical feedback, which is typically much more valuable than positive feedback.

🔸Say: But we must also grow a thick skin and not take it personally. We can use gentle language as we share how these pitches can be improved -- please include the positives. This way, everybody benefits from feedback from the whole community, unless their pitch is perfect. Include feedback on the quality of the idea, fun of the game etc. 

🔸Say: 50% of the teams with the least negative votes win. The other 50% go back and try again tomorrow. 

🔸Action: Hold the vote, choose the winners based on the least negative votes.

🔸Say: The 50% of pitches I just mentioned, those with more than the median amount of negative votes, are now approved ideas to go all the way to the finish line and build their prototype. The teams which did not pass today will have another chance tomorrow to try again.

🔸Action: The team with the least negative votes has won today's competition although this one is just for your own personal feedback not bonus points. 

🔸Say: Team, you must remember to put this on your submission form; otherwise, those bonus points won't count. Let them know via the submission form when you get it that you won this competition.

🔸Say: Congratulations!

🔸Say: This time all the pitches pass. However, this is only to build the prototype, you may still get voted out if you are unable to build a prototype or if its not adequate by the deadline. 


Old ignore


🟧🟧🟧 Onboarding

🔸Say: Those teams who pitched today now get the first pick of all the new people coming in as their reward. If these teams don't pick up the new people, the other teams can onboard them too so stay with me. 

🔸Say: If you are brand new here, now is your time to speak up.

🔸Say: All new members say your name in chat and post 1 sentence about your skill set. 3, 2, 1, go! 

🔸Wait & look for new faces and call them out "are you new here". Ask Samuel to add a special role to new people if he has not already (DM). 

🔸Get link and paste in chat: This checklist link. Use it to onboard new people -- there is a reward for those who do.

🔸Say: You know how we talked about stepping up and seizing opportunities? This is your chance to push your boundaries and gain experiences. Opportunity doesn't always knock, so seize it while it does. Go ahead and bring these people onto your teams. Again the meeting ends right after this so you won't miss anything. We can't end until each new person has a team to go to!

🔸Say: Now it's time for the teams left that haven't onboarded somebody to continue working on your pitches or, in case of winners, working on your games. If you want to know how to work on your pitches, just go through this checklist. I'll go ahead and post it in chat for you.

🔸Say: Ok teams, break up to your team channels! 


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