1. Overview
  2. Advanced
  3. Avoiding Disqualification

Avoiding Disqualification

Congratulations on submitting to Ignite Jam! 🎉

This guide will explain how to ensure your team does not disqualify your submission.

Make sure:

  1. Everyone on your team submits the form.
  2. You have purchased the form appropriately as a Legion, Division, or team, depending on your individual team status. Namely, if you're part of a Legion, buying the Legion form. If you're part of a Division, buying the Division form, etc.
  3. You have removed inactive team members from your team using the off-boarding guide. See https://p1oc.net/offboarding.
  4. All of your team members submit before the deadline.
  5. None of the fields except for the YouTube trailer field are filled out with NA or blanks.
  6. All of your team members have gone to the Assets Discord and uploaded the assets to two separate categories in the asset Discord, including an image if it's an art file to be courteous.
  7. You have a team leader and he has submitted the game file as a HTML or .zip file uploading the file to our assets Discord or a service like Itch.io. 
    1. If your team leader is missing, elect a new one to submit your game with you. And make sure that he selects that he's a team leader when submitting.
  8. You have elected a senator who can playtest your game or has the required device.  Or you have included a YouTube video link of a playthrough of your game that we can use to judge your game instead of playing it. You have included any necessary instructions to play the game in the game itself, or as a capitalized file that says, Read Me in the zip file where you have uploaded your game, so that nobody misses the instructions when judging your game.
  9. You have included a joint project submission post under #projects which looks like: 

10. Ensure that each asset is reasonably grouped, usually one asset per post. 

11. Ensure art which has more than one relevant category is posted to both. 

12. Ensure that the name you want to be credited by is included with the files.

Some of these points will not get you disqualified on a single violation. But you should be warned that if regular and continual violations of these rules are made, you will be disqualified.

13. Ensure that the post under hashtag projects actually has a link to your open source github repo which is publicly available and listed under the Apache 2.0 license. 

Post Submission Guide

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