[Day 18] Official Naming Ceremony

By now you know how to elect somebody to lead you if you need to, but this checklist is made for a mature team that can go through this together and spontaneously run an event together without having a leader in charge.

🟦🟦🟦 Senate Elections

Note: The Senate represents a role which will be divided into two roles later.

πŸ”ΉEach cycle teams elect their most trustworthy member to represent them to the Senate of [P1]. 

πŸ”ΉSenators can only be picked from teams in "good standing."

Good standing means teams that:

  • Submitted properly to the last jam
  • Consistently offer help with Introductions
  • Keep to [P1]'s rules

Note: Sending Introduction Givers daily will be required starting June 2024 to remain in "good standing" but has not yet been implemented. 

πŸ”Ή Senators represent the needs of their team to ensure incentive structures favor their team's needs.

πŸ”ΉHowever, they also need to understand the recruiting/Introduction side so that they can come with a balanced perspective to Senate meetings. 

πŸ”ΉIt's a great honor to be elected your team's Senator. 

πŸ”ΉSenator's responsibilities:

  • Judge the games & give detailed feedback
    • Requires at least 2 hours this weekend. 
      • Event is the same time as the main meeting. 
  • Help decide the theme for the next game jam.
  • Suggest incentive structure changes. 

πŸ”ΉBy now you have identified the most trustworthy and proactive people in your team. 

πŸ”Ή Everyone suggest someone who should represent your team in chat by @tagging them. 

πŸ”Ή Decide together who will represent your team. 

πŸ”Ή Make sure they come Saturday during the normal meeting time to receive further instructions and to help judge the games. Make sure they have played the games and that they have 2 hours for the meeting.

NOTE: Only the latter meeting time is covered at the moment so if you belong to an earlier-timezone team, come at the latter time for now. 

Old ignore

Should they also decide on marketing?

🟦🟦🟦 Game Night

πŸ”ΉYour goal is to work together to do something fun as a group! 

πŸ”ΉDiscuss an activity that you would enjoy doing together such as: 

Game night, movie night, virtual escape room, trivia night, book club, virtual cooking meet, drawing party, language exchange, digital board games, online crafting session, virtual tour of a city, online seminar or workshop, digital scavenger hunt, remote D&D campaign, online talent show, virtual pet play date, remote art challenge, online music session. 

 πŸ”Ή  Break down what you need to know to complete the activity together, such as what games people like, and if they're free or not, and what consoles you have to play them, if you're going to game together.

πŸ”Ή Appoint a lead! 

πŸ”Ή Set a time in hammertime. https://hammertime.cyou/ 

🟦🟦🟦 T4 Only From Here

πŸ”Ή Identify and gently remove from the meeting anybody who is not Tier 4, as this meeting is only for people who are Tier 4. 

🟦🟦 Naming Goal

πŸ”Ή Your goal is to assign everyone who achieved T4 a special, appropriate, name to be tied to their normal nickname in [P1]. One example is Hannah the Helpful, John the Understanding. 

πŸ”Ή These names celebrate the amazing character of each person in our Legion.

πŸ”Ή Run a 3-5 min discussion on each person from the top to the bottom of your list naming each person using character traits like: 

Caring, Generous, Helpful, Kind, Understanding, Dedicated, Devoted, Genuine, Compassionate, Reliable, Loyal, Trustworthy, Supportive, Cooperative, Patient, Respectful, Hardworking, Encouraging, Motivated, Gracious, Empathetic, Optimistic, Honest, Diligent, Dependable, Energetic, Friendly, Positive, Resourceful, Adaptable, Collaborative, Fair, Flexible, Humble, Insightful, Proactive, Resilient, Tactful, Thoughtful, Wise.


🟦🟦 Name Each Person

πŸ”Ή Find an amazing positive name for each person. 

πŸ”Ή Submit these names in a ticket to the Ignite Host in <#653665011918569480> and they will change your names. 




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