1. Overview
  2. What is [P1]
  3. How to Join Ignite

How to Join Ignite

Understanding Ignite

Ignite is an open source incubator and a critical part of [P1] Games. 

The Ignite program is the only branch open for membership. 


  • 18+.
  • Ready for a professional environment.
  • Have at least 7 hours a week free to work on games. 

Note: Making games is challenging. We seek those with a professional mindset, ready to work on serious games. 

Understanding [P1] Ignite

Ignite works like a traditional incubator, except that it is 100% free and community powered.

  • You own and control your creations. 
  • Ignite is 100% free.
  • Ignite takes no stake in your games. You may offer one to [P1] or other publishers in exchange for publishing benefits. 
  • The program selectively determines who is allowed to stay.

The Ignite Process

  1. Interested parties, schedule an interview.
  2. Pass the interview to be placed on a T1 team.
  3. T1 teams are less experienced, formed to find those who are serious about making games.
  4. Those who finish the first two-week sprint cycle and finish a game are brought to T2, while similar conditions lead to T3 and T4 status. 
  5. T4 teams are able to join non-profits on real-world projects. 

Who is [P1] Ignite For?

  • Those who already have game development skills.
    [The producer role doesn't require game experience.] 
  • Those who are seeking to build a portfolio by making games.
  • Those who want to network with other professionals.
  • Hobbyists seeking to make better games.

How to Join

Schedule an interview here.

Who Should Not Join [P1]? 

  • People who have not started learning their discipline, whether in programming, art, sound, design, etc.
  • Those who are not serious about spending at least seven hours per week.
  • Those with a childish, entitled, unfriendly or unprofessional attitude.

Note: We have plenty of room for those still learning their craft, provided they are serious about learning quickly. 


  • Do I need to prepare for my interview?
    • It's actually best if you don't prepare for your interview.
  • When I join Ignite, do I join as a volunteer? And can I get paid?
    • Ignite is a free program and when you join, you join us as an open source contributor, not a volunteer. The difference is technical. However, an open source contributor to Ignite should never present themselves as a representative of our organization for legal reasons. And you should be aware that you can not volunteer your way into a paid position. 
  • Do I need to be technical?
    • It's a common misunderstanding that you need to be technical to work in games, there are many non-technical roles available. However, you do need to be a professional.
  • Can beginners join [P1] Ignite?
    • We are looking for people who are already well along in their journey of making games or people with very serious determination and lots of time. Somebody who is both new and doesn't have a lot of time to learn or a real sense of the effort it takes to make games is not welcome. 
  • Do I get paid for being part?
    • No, we are a highly organized place to find capable people to make games with.
  • Do I need to pay to join?
    • No, we don't charge anything for the service. At the time of writing this, we offer no paid services.
  • How does [P1] cover its expenses? 
    • Through sponsors. 
    • [P1] Games is exploring raising a fund to publish games from within Ignite. To do this successfully, [P1] needs to first obtain your permission, place you in a separate program, teach you key fundamental skills that are missing from general game development and education, empower you to make a game people will actually want to play, and then offer you the opportunity to have your game published. 
  • Will [P1] publish my game without my knowledge or consent?
    • This is a process which your Legion will need to be deliberately pursue. 

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