1. Overview
  2. Volunteers
  3. Leading Initial Onboarding Distribution

Leading Initial Onboarding Distribution


This article assumes you've already read and understood the onboarding checklist.


When people come for introductions, we need someone in chat to evenly distribute introduction volunteers to those seeking an introduction. This is your role. Ask the Ignite Host to give you the "Volunteer Manager" role to give you the power to take on this task in the Introduction Discord. 


People visit the introduction Discord to learn about us and join a team. However, Discord and time zones can be confusing, so we always inform them to arrive before the event starts.

Paste in the Introductions Discord: "@Seeking Introduction `We are about to hold introduction chats in 10 min in <#1209992251900698684>. Be there in 10 min to get your introduction.`" in #general.

Paste in the main [P1] Games Discord "๐Ÿ’ฌโ”ƒgeneral-chat" "@Seeking Team`We are about to hold introduction chats in 10 min in https://discord.gg/fEkM2zhPu2. Be there to get placed on a team.`" 

This should be done 10 min before the daily event. 

Gathering Introduction Givers

Meetings are usually held one hour and 10 minutes before introduction sessions. During these meetings, teams should appoint an introduction giver, indicated by the memo notepad emoji.

Hover over these emojis in the chat log to see the appointed person for each team. Ensure they arrive 10 minutes early to read the onboarding checklist and address any questions.

Go to the team channels and manually gather the appointed Introduction Volunteers.

Have them visit the ๐Ÿ”Š | ๐Ÿ“ž Introduction Chats channel to ask questions and review the onboarding checklist 10 min before the meeting itself answering questions as needed. 

Initial Contact

When people join the Discord they are expecting a one-on-one interview and they might be surprised by the crowd. Reassure them that we'll connect them with their introduction giver shortly and ask them to wait until 13 minutes past the hour.


Turn your camera on. 

At 13 minutes past the hour, give everyone a warm welcome and tell them what makes you love [P1]. "I joined [P1] because... and I love it because... and I think you will too." Don't fake it; say what you feel. 


Ask each person who has come to the ๐Ÿ”Š | ๐Ÿ“ž Introduction Chats channel to give a brief 10-second introduction, asking them what brings them our way and what their skill set is. Keep them within 20 seconds. 


Now, you want to take each person who has come to the ๐Ÿ”Š | ๐Ÿ“ž Introduction Chats channel and place them with an Introduction Volunteer.

Ask them to move to Overflow 1 or 2 or 3. Move them if they don't understand.

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