Introduction Giving Checklist
Make sure you have shadowed an Intro Giver a few times before doing this yourself. This document is just a summary. Here is the official onboarding checklist, which gives you much more information
Get role
In #general type: .iam introduction giver. To avoid too many notifs, afterwards leave server + bookmark.
Go to the Introduction voice chat in the Introduction Discord Intro Meetings start 10 minutes after the hour that follows the Daily Meetup (both Early and Late).
Intro Host portion
The Intro Host will start the meeting and explain things about [P1] and how introductions work. Then they split the meeting into overflow channels, each with an Intro Giver and one or more newcomers.
Your turn
Once you’re in the overflow channel, welcome everyone and introduce yourself. If you enjoy what [P1] has to offer and feel you are benefiting from it, please communicate that in your tone and words. Make sure they know that [P1] is free. At this point we are entirely funded by sponsors. Then remind them to be on PC rather than phone.
Play Intro video,
This video has several pauses where you get some feedback from your newcomer(s). These questions are part of the form they will be filling up later and help them think through the answers beforehand. Feel free to ask questions and help them find what is the right answer for them.
1. It starts with a Discord tour, then shows access to text chat. Pause 1:40
Do you see the text chat? --> person types YES in text chat
2. Explains [P1] Ignite and what it can do for them. Pause 4:57
Why did you join? (job, impact, portfolio, build experience, network, mentor) --> response
3. Explains specializing is good for finding a job. Can do that at [P1] because working in team.
Pause 5:45
What is your specialization --> response
4. Focuses on person’s dream, motivation for joining [P1]. Pause 6:22
What motivates/drives you? Both immediate and long-term goal --> response
Watch out, the volume goes down quite a bit from here on, and again a little at 7:53
Verification (6:28), we want people to find and access the Main server (they’re now in the
Intro server).
5. Post this link to the main Discord If it confuses them, let them share their screen.
Pause 6:43
6. They will see one of three things and they will let you know in the chat. Pause 7:48
#verify – they type in chat “verify”
Every channel opens up – they type “unlocked” (all good, continue with the Help Me channel)
#channel 1-7 – they type “bugged” (very rare; currently no solution but working on it)
Video tells them to go back to link in chat, click it, click the #verify channel, share their
screen, select “entire screen.” (You will now see their screen), go to Channels & Roles and
have “Show all channels” checked. They will fill in a short form that will give them a code.
They click the verify icon in the chat, get the code and type it in the #code channel.
7. They now see the Help Me channel and type “I see Help Me.” Pause 9:11
Post the link to #Help Me and ask them to move there:
Help Me channel (9:25), here they will fill up a form and then get placed on a team. The Introduction Host should be in the Help Me channel and be able to assist you when needed. First, paste this in the chat: <#1206266069090697216> and <#1206266163437248573>. Explain briefly what these two channels are. Next, post the link to this form Let them share their screen, and go through that form together. When done, they have a summary in their Word document which they paste in #seeking-team (the first short link you pasted). While they are still filling in the form, check #seeking-members (the second short link) and find teams that match their skill set and time preferences, and are currently online. Contact the team leader and see if they’re willing to take on the newcomer. If it’s a match, they open a new voice channel and the leader integrates the member with this checklist: If no match is found, ask online teams if they need B-team members. The newcomer can also start their own team. If so, go through this form with them: Want to see this form yourself? Here is a dummy version: Because forming a new team takes more time and effort, the Ignite Host will give you a bonus of 2000 H. If you can create a team that has team meetings later in the day and will join the Late Ignite meeting rather than the Early one, we temporarily give a triple bonus, so 6000 H. Just submit a ticket once the team is up and running, mentioning team name and leader.
If you have more than one recruit to match with a team, make sure to hand over each recruit to their new team in as short a time as possible, and go back to the Help me channel to connect the others you are responsible for. Don’t leave those to other Intro Givers unless they agree to take over.
Redeeming Helpfulness
The new team leader has to confirm in writing that they will integrate the new person into their team. Take a screenshot of your message to them and their response. Go to #open-academy (under ACADEMY & QUESTS), unlock academy and post the screenshot in #introduction-proof (under QUEST REDEMPTIONS). You receive 2000 H for every new person that is integrated into a team.
In 20 steps
1. In #general type: .iam introduction giver
2. Go to Introduction chat
3. Intro Host puts you in overflow channel
4. Warmly welcome + introduce yourself
5. Play video
6. Pause 1 (1:40) See text chat? YES
7. Pause 2 (4:57) Why join [P1]?
8. Pause 3 (5:45) Specialization?
9. Pause 4 (6:22) Long/short-term goal?
10. Verification (6:28) Post link to main Discord
11. Pause 5 (6:42) they join link
12. Pause 6 (7:48) Verify / unlocked / bugged
13. If #verify: they share screen, entire screen, channels & roles, Show all channels, verify
icon, get code, type in #code, look for #Help Me.
14. Pause 7 (9:11) They type “I see Help Me” and then move there
15. In #Help Me, paste 2 short links: <#1206266069090697216> and
16. Post form: They share screen. Go through
form together and post summary in #seeking-team
17. Check #seeking-members, find matching skill set + time
18. Check teams online and visit
19. If no match, check for B-team placements or ask if person would like to lead own team
20. Redeem H for each person placed via “introduction-proof," submit ticket for any bonus