1. Overview
  2. Normal Operations
  3. Teams Divisions and Legions

Teams Divisions and Legions


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Simple Breakdown

A Division is a team within [P1] that has successfully submitted to Ignite properly and followed the process of dividing in two. 

Purpose of Divisions

Divisions encourage mentorship between experienced and new Ignite participants, promoting both Ignite cycle understanding and general game creation mentorship.


  • Team: A single group of up to 6 people working on a game or project together.


  • Division: A team that has successfully submitted to Ignite and divided into multiple teams with an elected leader of the founding team becoming the Division leader. The top tier team becomes the mentors to all the other teams.
    • Max 3 teams per Division, with 1 team as the leader of each Division, for a total of 4 teams in 1 Division.


  • Legion: A Division that has successfully submitted together, with at least the majority of teams created finishing together. Its Division leader becomes a Legion leader, and its individual teams become Divisions in their own right.
    • Max 3 Divisions per Legion, with 1 team being the leader of the whole Legion.

Divisions Generally

Benefits of Becoming a Division

Divisions or even Legions get extra points for teams underneath them which submit to an Ignite cycle together with them. This bonus can help Divisions win the competition and encourages mentorship between teams.

  • Reduces cost of submission to Ignite as Divisions and Legions can submit, buying a single form together rather than apart, as individual teams.
  • Increases chances of victory due to a bonus given to divisions and legions that submit together.
  • Ability to share assets between teams: Normally, each team can only work independently of all other teams. But when you're on a Division or a Legion, team members can create assets for other teams on their legion.
Note, each team in a Legion is meant to be led by a different leader.
Members of one particular team may not join another team they can only build one asset for another team here and there but they can't join them in any significant way other than to mentor.  

Restrictions for Division

Teams merging into a Division: Any two T1 teams can come together if they have not submitted yet and become a Division. If they do so, they must elect one of the two teams to be the leading team (based on experience) of the Division with the leader of that team becoming the overall Division commander. 

T2 teams cannot do this.

No merging Divisions: Teams that are part of Divisions cannot switch Divisions, but they can leave, become a team, and create their own Division.

Any team can separate from any Division at any time to create their own Division. However, they must not take on teams that were part of other Divisions prior.

Division Separation 

At the end of every competition teams become a Division. If they were a Division before submitting, they are now a Legion. A Legion is the largest possible formation with Division and teams under them. However, there is a maximum of 3 generations in this system. So when the teams within a Legion themselves finish a competition they become new Divisions by themselves creating the seeds of future Legions.

Authoritative Structure

Replacing Legion Leaders

The leader of a Legion may be replaced at any time by a vote of 6/10 voters using a Mee6 poll that lasts 48 hours.  Anyone can start the poll in any public channel in [P1]'s Discord.  Not everyone has to vote in the poll for it to be binding.  A new poll or a counter poll can be started right after the first poll concludes its vote, in case some people didn't get a chance to vote and want to change the result.

Taking Orders

Although we encourage a bottom-up approach to leadership, the decisions of a Legion leader are binding on all divisions and teams within that Legion.

Rejecting Orders

If teams disagree with a decision, they can either run a poll to replace the leader or leave the Legion at any time. Any team can start their own Legion at any time.

Helpful Links

How to join a Division >>

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