Forming Divisions

Purpose of Article

If no Division accepts your team, your best strategy is to team up with another team to form your own Division.

Why Forming a Division Matters

Divisions get significant benefits.

  • Points toward victory.
  • The ability to share assets.
  • Reduced cost of Helpfulness in submission.

You may want to read this article, Team Divisions, to understand more about what Divisions are and how they operate. However, since it's quite complex, we'll give you a synopsis throughout this article.


How to Form a Division

1) Find another Division post in the "#🎎┃seeking-division" channel.

2) Identify if they have been picked up by another Division simply by seeing if their thread has been replied to by a Division. 

  • After a team posts, they're posts seeking a Division, Mee6 automatically replies creating a thread. 
  • In this example, you can clearly see that the team has posted their pledges, but no other Division has responded, giving you a strong indication that they have not been picked up by another Division yet.
  • Pledges are the final thing that teams post when waiting for a Division to pick them up.

3) Simply reach out to the team in their thread suggesting that you create a Division together.


Starting Your Division

  • Appointing a Lead: Decide together which team has the most senior skills and make their team leader your Division leader.
    • Just like teams, Divisions are democratic and you can always host a poll giving one day for everybody to respond with 60% needing to be in favor to change your Division leader. Any team member can start that poll. 
  • Choosing Goals: Work together to come up with a joint Division goal statement that encapsulates your Division's purpose. This should be derived from your team goal statements.
    • This could be anything from raising awareness for charity to building portfolios. 
  • Name & Symbols: Every team needs to come up with joint insignia.
    • This includes:
      • A Division name
      • A Division emoji that you're going to use in your channel names 
        • Whenever you create your team channels, you will add this emoji in the name of the team channel.
      • A Division logo or flag
        • This is optional but recommended.

Register Your Division

Work together with your Division to create a post on our subreddit, listing your name as the title, using the Division flare, and also stating your team's emoji, your logo, and your goals.


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