1. Overview
  2. Other
  3. Day 1 Reward

Day 1 Reward

Congratulations on appropriately filling out the Day 1 reward form. Using this code, you can get a bonus in Discord.


Right now, this reward system is in beta and quite exploitable. If you've learned anything from our values videos here, it's that your reputation is never something you should risk. Reputation is the most valuable thing that you have.  The code is only intended for you and not your teammates.  Let them fill out the form individually.

Redeeming Your Reward

1. Unlock the academy by visiting #open-academy

2.    Then click on #📴︱bot-spam and buy the "Daily Redemption" item. 

3. Visit #Daily-Redemption and put the code in the text box and push enter.

4. The code is at the top of this page. 


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